I have a dream. A dream of attaining a great height of financial Independence. To this end I strive everyday to better my finances. And I can humbly say it's what the doctor ordered.
From my teens I've often dreamt of being so financially independent that a lot of people would rely on me. I've dreamt of having a conglomerate of industries under my control and controlling investments worth billions. I imagined ways my life would change if I achieved this. I imagined the real estate I would own in different countries of the world. The cozy mansion I would reside in. The many properties I would possess. I also dreamt of using my wealth to make the world a better place.
This is a dream I work towards achieving everyday of my life. For now the major area I'm working to achieve this dream is cryptocurrency investments. No, I haven't hit millions in cryptocurrency gains yet but I am getting there.
I do a lot of crypto related stuff. Like trading futures, binary options, investing in DEX coins, spot trading, arbitraging, etc. So far I've managed to pull in a considerable profit through these activities.
I concieve financial Independence as a ladder. You go step by step, rung by rung. You start small, then your finances improves gradually. Let's say someone starts off with a thousand dollars in investments. He can aim for that $1000 to grow to $10,000 in matter of months or a year. Then the $10,000 can become $50,000 and so forth. So that in a decade or so the person is counting a million dollars or tens of millions. That's exactly how I am working to achieve financial liberation which is just what the doctor ordered.
I need financial buoyancy to be able to achieve my goals. My goal of investing in every sector of human endeavor. I will invest in science and tech, fashion, food and agriculture, education, medicare, and so forth. I would also aim to better people's lives by my philanthropic activities.
I also plan to invest heavily in my country in the bid to make it a developed nation. I think I would have to do this with the backing of the government. If the government allow, I will invest in every aspect of things in my country. I would start with the agricultural sector. Build industries that handle the cultivation and processing of food commodities. I believe a lot of problems people encounter in a civilised society is caused by the shortage of food commodities. Of course food is a fundamental human need. And there are countries that have built billion-dollar economies from agriculture alone.
As the agro-industries are erected, I will tackle the health sector. Build standard and sophisticated hospitals to cater for the health needs of people. I will hire the best minds to supervise these projects. Hire the best doctors and nurses to man the hospitals and make the medical fees very affordable. Then I will tackle infrastructure. I plan to remove buildings in my nation and replace them with sophisticated skyscrapers. I will build it with a type of new tech that will allow for the buildings to be taken apart and relocated to somewhere else if need be. Then I will do same in science and tech. I will hire some of the best minds in the world in science and tech and bring them to my country to work in the tech factories. As they work they will train others also. I will build science and tech universities and research institutes for that purpose.
Then I will venture into other areas I cannot mention here.
So achieving financial Independence for me will be for two reasons: to better my life and the lives of numerous others through my wealth. Its indeed just what the doctor ordered.
Hello @aloysiusmbaba,
In this piece you seem to have lost track of the guidelines for creative nonfiction. Please review those, as stated in the prompt post. As that post suggests, in drafting creative nonfiction you ought to use the same techniques that you would use in a piece of fiction: character development, arc, dialogue, etc. It should almost read like a story, except it's not a story. It's real.
This blog is more like an essay. It is clear and well written, but it is not creative nonfiction.
Thank you.