Vera’s cinderella story

in The Ink Well3 years ago

They both arrived at exactly 12 midnight in a hired limo ride. With a simple makeup and a princess- like hairdo, Vera looked exquisitely beautiful. And so did her girlfriend, Amy who vowed to make Vera have a blast in a royal way.

The headlights around the castle's entrance lit up the premises, out reaching further to it's environ. There was a long red carpet that demarcated the glossy stairs running down from the entrance to a certain distance. "Amy this place is really beautiful", Vera informed her friend beside her.

Still searching curiously how the castle's interior would be like, the girls were met with a more attractive scenery. High above them was a complicated chandelier, harbouring so many light bulbs. "There might be almost a hundred of them or maybe more up here, Vera thought to herself.

The chandelier's brightness, gave the polished floor a brilliant, glittering effect enhancing it's original golden texture. The buffet sector on one side of the open hall perfectly arranged, stood aside in an enchanting manner, beckoning Vera for a tasty bite.

Upfront, was a high corridor, perfect for anyone wanting to have the spotlight. There emerged the royal hosts of this elegant ball dance. "Welcome everyone", began a man in his fifties who dressed as regal as a king. "This occasion is to mark the birthdays of my twin children, Prince Lincoln and Princess Lana".

Applause roared as the celebrants carefully descended the stairs from the podium above. Facing the crowd, they were made to have an opening dance with any interested counterpart guest. A young Duke came for Lana's hand while Amy pushed Vera forward into Lincoln's arms. The waltz began, providing slow sensational sounds, fitting the mood of the evening.

"You dance quite well, my lady", Lincoln complimented his partner.

"It's nothing really. I've had a few dance classes during my free..."
Vera noticed she was blabbing on about herself when she quickly composed herself. "And so do you, your highness", she formally replied.

"Oh, please. Address me as Lincoln. I'll be much at ease with that", he corrected with a hint of laughter which made Vera laugh.

And the opening dance was over.

Chattering noise filled the room and so did soft classic music. Vera was having a good time with the food since she didn't make plans for dinner. With Amy by her side, holding a glass of white wine, Prince Lincoln approached them.

"Mind to dance again?", he smiled with a stretched hand towards Vera.

"I'm sorry but, my feet are beginning to hurt and I can't dance barefooted", she sadly announced to him.

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"Not to worry". He requested from a royal butler to provide him a pair of comfortable shoes. When the butler arrived, he swapped Vera's uncomfortable heels to comfy flats. "Ready for that dance now..."

Two days prior to this dreamy experience, Vera's love life with her so-called boyfriend hit rock bottom.

"So this is it? You're ending things with me?", Vera tearfully asked her boyfriend of twelve months.

"I'm sorry, Vera. I'm sorry to fall out of love for you. I'm sorry we're parting this way. It would have happened sooner or later, OK? Just see it as a new path of true freedom, I'm leading you towards. I hope you un..."

"Just leave, Daniel", Vera cut short her ex's speech.

He was very compliant upon hearing Vera's order. Shutting the door behind him, the heartbroken woman poured out her sadness though her eyes. A petite, energetic orphan she was, running her late parent's relatively large coffee shop. She was an employer to ten competent employees, yet it seemed like she ran her business alone. Coupled with that, she always made out just enough time for her love life.

Reminiscing the good old days, more tears welled up in her eye. Abruptly, the doorbell rang and sluggishly she went for it. It was her best friend, Amy. Only a few years older than Vera, these two had grown inseparable ever since their first encounter at a mall when they were little girls, shopping with their moms. Vera only cried the more seeing her sister-like friend reach out to her to wade off the gloominess there was.

"I tried, Amy. I really did. He just wasn't satisfied. He said I am...", the lady's words chocked in her throat following another tearful outburst.

"I know you did your best Vera, I know. Shh, it's OK. It's ok", Amy consoled pitifully. "You have always been a sweet girl even though you're all grown now. Any man should be considered the luckiest being to have a romantic like you. Let Dan go, he's not worth these diamonds you're shedding for him.”

Pulling away her friend's sad face from her soaked consoling shoulders, Amy continued. "It would be unjust to apportion blames right now but Vera you need to have a say too in your relationships. Don't just outrightly follow your partner's opinions, please. Dan would gloat when he sees how much of a mess he had turned you into, so chin up girl", Amy ignited her friend's quenching spirit.

"You won't be a mess because of Dan. As much as you loved him and respected all his opinions thus becoming this uptight woman that you are, you will break those self-centered rules. You are going to live a little, Vera because you darn well deserve it", Amy boldly finished.

These words shot right through Vera like a wicked splash of cold water, waking her up from her slumber. Honestly, she needed a break from being too formal - too uptight. It was time to do some fun stuff to get back her drained energy and get her mind off Dan and the unhappiness that came with his recent picture in her head.

After a little less of a restful sleep, Vera was high spirited. Cautious of her fragile state and how easily her emotions betrayed her, she was determined to put on her best mood today. She gratefully eyed the Ball Dance invitation, hanging in front of the sizeable restroom mirror.

Amy wasn't listening to Vera's objections when she had left it behind late last night. Remembering her decision to live life a little, she picked up the majestically designed card, eye scanned it properly and concluded she would make it an enjoyable night for her healing self.

Moments later she was set for her coffee shop. Skipping breakfast for brunch mostly gave her that unbelievable work enthusiasm and she was in deir need of it at the time.
The shop was already running since she arrived an hour later than it's usual opening hours.

Getting into her black waist apron, a cute hair band to hold those lengthy brown silkiness of hers, she wore a brilliant customer friendly smile and headed out with a silver tray in her hand to the customer on table 20.

Although snowed under with rendering services from one table to the other, tenacious Vera still managed to meet up with her schedule for the day…


You create an interesting character in this story, @blackalbino. However this follows closely upon your story entered in the August contest. We will allow this misunderstanding on this one occasion, but the rule about once a week is rather fixed. We are sure you understand.

While you handle the action well in this story, there is a little lack of continuity with the flashback. Flashbacks/time sequences that take us to the past are hard to finesse, so you do pretty good job with that.

Thank you for sharing this story with us!