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RE: A Tale of Two Halves - @theinkwell Fantasy Short Story

in The Ink Well5 years ago

If any editor or critic ever accuses you of "purple prose," take it as a compliment. This!

The world around her blurred. The mottled russet of bark flashed by as the whistling wind blew through her hair. Bright green leaves smiled a thousand triumphs in a sudden sunburst from a break in the clouds.

While it's true that some prose may be overly purple in the hands of novice writers, this is sublime.


Thanks, I instinctually felt that it felt right and also good writing. Mainly because I'm trying to describe the world from the perspective of a wood elf who lives directly connected to nature in a fundamental and magical level.

The leaves really do dance and smile for the sun in an elf's perception... and if I'm honest, for me too on one of my more mentally effusive days 🙂 😂😆