In between each falling leaves,
The earth sighs and I hear
You say; I love you.
My heart misses a beat
But the song does not fall flat
Rather the music bends
And my feet sweeps into a different dance.
To be loved, to be loved by you
What a feeling to be loved
Murphy sang in the snow
But in the harmattan, my broom
Sweeping dust and falling leaves,
I sing my love songs
And listen to your voice in the wind,
Calling to me, feeding me
With light,
Between the sighs of the earth.
What have you done to me
That I whisper your name in my sleep
And touch your face in my dream?
How did you berth your ship
And sink your anchor deep
Into my flesh, holding me
Water without boundaries
To your Hull, your bosom?
How did you blossom into this bliss
That tease me and make me smile
And dream of insane possibilities?
How did you do it, my love;
How did you?

So nice!
Thank you.