Rule #4 of our community rules clearly states the following: No re-posts of previously published content or content that is published elsewhere in any form. The Ink Well is for original creative work.
Please note that we use tools to detect plagiarism and repeat content. Those who violate our rules are banned from the community. You can make amends by publishing new creative work that follows the rules and guidelines on our home page.
@coolxxx, again we ask that you read our community rules. This story has been previously published on Steemit:
Rule #4 of our community rules clearly states the following: No re-posts of previously published content or content that is published elsewhere in any form. The Ink Well is for original creative work.
Please note that we use tools to detect plagiarism and repeat content. Those who violate our rules are banned from the community. You can make amends by publishing new creative work that follows the rules and guidelines on our home page.