A letter not sent (November 05)

in The Ink Well2 months ago

The self proclaimed queen Betty,

Heard you are going to leave the college. Well, good for you and for me also. I will not have to bear the face of the wicked witch anymore. I am happy from the depth of my heart. I wish you fall far behind in the study because of this sudden change. There might be more talented people, in front of them you will not be taken into consideration for something good.

We could be best of friends, but you arrogance and ego created a rivalry that lasted for quite a long time. Not only you are good at study but also your beauty made you more haughty. You were unbearable for many to tolerate. Not mentioning the vast wealth your family possess which also fuels your arrogance.

From the day one, you could not bear the sight of me. Why was that? I was poor and not good-looking? Not suitable to study in a elite place like this where only the rich and the most talented can enter?

I have no control on my family or how I look. But, I can work hard, thus I was gained a scholarship here and was given chance to study in this prestigious college. I scored higher than you in the exams, which made you hate me. You started working hard and and reached me then crossed me. That generally made me angry towards you. I wished bad things happen to you.

Even the smell of the perfume you use, was getting impossible to bear for me. We engaged in many fights since then. Which only pushed us further away. Generally, I am not this kind of hot headed person. For long time I could not figure out why I took your insults personally and why I hated you so much!

I could have ended the letter here. But, looks like I am not going to. As I have found out finally the reasons of my behaviour towards you.

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Betty! Oh dear Betty!

I know why I was harsh towards you. Why your every bit of hurtful behaviour pained me so much! I have a confession to make.

On the first day of seeing you, when you were smiling with Janeth, Rodney and Sylvia over something, something inside me started a storm! I fell in love seeing your smile. Your smile, your glowing eyes, your silky hair, I fall in love over all of those!

But I knew, I am a nobody, a poor average looking guy who somehow got a chance to be among the elits. Although you guys never accepted me, you treated me as garbadge. Yet, I hoped, you would be different, I wished you for to be different. I knew I could never express my feeling towards you, but I found every bits of you interesting.

The way you move hair from you face, the way you chew the pen-cap, when you understand something clearly then your eyes lit up, your face becomes gloomy when you do not understand anything. Don't think me as a pervert, believe me I am not a creepy dude, I was or still am mad for your love! I buit a wall and acted all bossy to hide my emotions towards you, for that I acted as a hot head and went into clash with you.

In the math test, in which I scored a perfect 100 out of hundred but you got only 70, I saw you cry. Seeing your sadness, your tear-drops I could not possibly go on hurting you anymore. That is when I decided I will let you have all the glory, I would answer as much as you could easily answer. Seeing you smile soothen me. I know I was risking my scholarship, but how can I see you hurt!

I only wish I could express how much I love you. You are going to a better college is making me happy but more sadness is engulfing me as I will not see you anymore. I wish I could get the courage to send the letter to you, which post probably I would not do. I would tear it into million pieces. Maybe after you leave, I will be able to concentrate on study again and aim to reach high, but still, there would be a massive hole of not seeing you.

If you can forgive me, and if you can, forget me not!

Yours unqualified coward rival

It is day five and I wrote another one! But I am feeling I will not be able to continue. Moreover, the depth of feeling I felt while planning the plot, is utterly missing in the writing. It has turned into some chit-chats but not a story.


Your piece is filled with gut-wrenching emotion, but as you acknowledged, it is not quite a story. Being completely narrative it lacks the balance that dialogue would bring. I do like what I am seeing though as I see potential! So, don't lose heart. We have a wealth of articles on fiction writing in The Ink Well and they can be found as links in the following post Catalog of Fiction Writing Tips. We also highly recommend that you run your drafts through Grammarly to identify any issues with spelling, grammar, and punctuation, but please do not use any of the advanced AI features in Grammarly or any other AI editing software. We only sanction the sue of Grammarly and Google Docs and then only for light editing and not for using any features that rewrite text, improve it or create greater fluency, as we still want to read your words 🥰. Thank you for choosing to write in The Ink Well.

Thanks for your valuable comment. I will go through the catalog and try to improve myself. ☺️

The emotions felt from this letter is not little.
I enjoyed reading your story!! Well done.

Thank you!

This do happens a lot as most people hate those who were ahead or way better than them. This was a pure confession and its the best you had done.

Thanks for your time and comment.