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RE: Swirl of Emotions

in The Ink Well β€’ 2 years ago

But still Ipad and gas..You sef see nowπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

They are trying to suffocate life from the left, right and center πŸ˜‚

It's not more I'm tired of this life. It's life is tired of all of usπŸ˜‚πŸ’”

As for the friendship....
I hope this is my way..I want to send this to him and see if we can fix things.

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But still Ipad and gas..You sef see now


hope this is my way..I want to send this to him and see if we can fix things.

You should totally go for it. I would be touched if I read thisπŸ˜…

You should totally go for it. I would be touched if I read thisπŸ˜…

I definitely will..And then I'll come tag you and tell you we are happily in love again 🌚

come tag you and tell you we are happily in love again 🌚

At this point, I would be terrified πŸ˜‚