The Soup Challenge

in The Ink Well7 days ago


"Forks and Spoons done and dusted!" bellowed Yemi Peters the self acclaimed food critic.He had visited the restaurant to feast on another local delicacy and give his unsolicited review to his friend. He was on a mission to to have all the soups and other delicacies from the different states in the country. He prided himself in having the tongue that could discern the best tastes and flavors from a dish and to his friends he was the culinary legend!

"So legend, what say you?" questioned Tony who often accompanied him to his culinary adventure.

"Well not bad at all but, my taste buds still tells me there's something off about the soup. I'll probably figure it out when I hit the next restaurant." He said thoughtfully. Tony laughed heartily and they moved towards the door to head home.

"Hello legends assistant" called Yemi on another weekend. What are we doing today let's go hunt for our next soup tasting man!"

You know i'm down for that anytime. Be right there" replied to Tony who was a foodie himself.

Before long he was with Yemi in another local restaurant, they ordered for a delicacy from Western part of Nigeria with lots of vegetables and assorted meat. It was a soup called efo riro. Even though Yemi had grown in this state he never really cared for any food from that tribe. So he never did get to eat much of it growing up.

"Trust me, you will love it!" Said the food recommender Tony

"Hmmm" muttered Yemi as he moved to get his cutlery. "I really hope so."

"Do you like it"? Tony asked him after his first taste.

"Well it's just there, I like the vegetables though and the assorted meat" he smiled as he made for the meat. "I will give my review when my plate is empty" they both laughed

"Yes lion, we know you love meat. Eat up let's have the big review"

They finished their food settled their bills and Tony asked again, so critic what say you?"

"I've had better " he muttered
"Nah I doubt that " Tony replied. "They are known to be the best around here."

"Not for me"! He said, with a lot of sarcasm.

"Hello guys!"
Hi Christy what are you doing here Peter asked.

"Just here to have lunch." Christy replied as she grabbed a chair to sit with them

"We just had some ourselves and our critic here said their efo riro is just there" said Tony

"What! They are the best around here" Christy said in disbelief

"Not the best to me"! Yemi chuckled "Not enough pepper for a Yoruba soup"

"Oh okay, well then are you saying you can handle your peppers in a soup? Christy asked.

"Yes! You can't beat my palate dear, I'm the pepper eatiing guru around here" he boasted.

"I bet you won't beat spicy dicey's pepper soup. No matter how much you love your peppers"

"Is that a challenge?" Yemi asked

"I'm too sure"laughed Christy

"Challenge accepted!" he shouted

"I can't wait to see how this goes down!" Tony said

It was a Sunday, the trio had made plans to visit Spicey Dicey restaurant to have the challenge. Christy arrived first and explained to the host that she was having friends over and they would be having their very spicy cat fish pepper soup with the assorted peppers to tantalize the palate.

"I see you are here already" Yemi said, waving from a distance.

"Yup! Can't wait to watch you cry and say I was right"


"Thats would never happen to the legend"! He boasted all too confident and walking towards her. "I have never and will never cower to any type of pepper soup!"

Tony met up with the duo with eager excitement.

The foodie himself"! Bellowed Yemi "Are you here yo watch me eat my pepper soup with much delight?"

"Yeah with much tears you mean" He laughed giving him a handshake

"Well order up people, what are you waiting for!"

"The host will join us soon" Christy replied "patience legend patience!

The host came in with the servers bearing a big bowl of pepper soup with catfish and other assorted fish

"At last" Yemi looked with anticipation at the bowl of deliciousness. The aroma was quite scintillating

"I hope it is as they say, spicy!" He asked

The host replied with a mischievous smile"You will love it!"

Christy and Tony got their orders, they requested for a less spicy meal.

Yemi looked at them and chuckles "So you guys can't stand the heat, watch and learn!"

They looked at each other with a smile and watched Yemi as he took his first scoop of the hot and spicy soup. The peppers seemed to have gone up his head, he felt himself freeze with a burn in his mouth but he fought it down to avoid being mocked.

He gulped it bravely though his throat was burning. He took another scoop determined to keep his title but alas! His hands and head began to sweat, his heart beating fast, the room became blur. He couls not hold it anymore he reached for a glass of water, completely shaken. The water did not do much to cleanse his palate, he opened his mouth and started to take in air through his mouth .

Tony gave him a cold drink, "This should should help my friend"

Yemi's face twisted with discomfort and he shouted "I can't do his anymore"! His tongue had betrayed him. He tried to compose himself and sat quietly for another minute feeling defeated. He was in thought for a second before muttering "There are limits to these things, I must say"

Christy and Tony smiled

"And don't even say you told me so", he warned strernly

He pushed his plate aside, Yemi realised that there were some things even the legendary food critic could not conquer.


I was patiently waiting for his disgrace and you did not disappoint 😂 Sometimes, the taste of a food is beyond its flavors, their also the cultural reference, for example, there's no "proper" way to make efo riro. While some love the leaves cut thinly, others like it in big chops. The Yorubas especially like it spicy and the igbos can't tolerate it being spicy. So a food critics definitely can't criticise a food with such cultural heritage. Lovely story! 👍

Thanks a bunch, you said it all. Some like it spicy and some don't.

The pepper guru has accepted defeat! Lovely and interesting story.

He had it coming 😁

Wow this is a very beautiful dish, keep it up ma 👌👌👌👌👌

Hahahahah 😆"So you guys can't stand the heat" so why was he looking for water and opening his mouth since he's the strongest fellow and others are weak, the pepper now thought him the lesson he wanted to teach others.

Lovely story.

This food looks yummy 😋