
Again? You were on it before? 🤪 thanks for that support love, I appreciate it. Pedancy makes me want to break the rules more - look out! 🤪

I’m always on someone’s blacklist. I rub a lot of people up the wrong way

Then I wrote a war story, which they misinterpreted - they thought I “murdered” a child. Promise that I DID NOT.
However, I do think that they’re entitled to have whatever rules they choose, and to apply them. But, they should be sure that the fiction fits the bill and that there’s no misinterpretation. If a story does not offend ANYONE, I don’t see the point. 🤔🤗💕 As for TIW I got into a fight with them over a story they banned (not mine it was by @strangegravy )

Oh dear. I got into trouble publishing a poem there and then there was something else, so I stomped my feet and I thought I'd never post in there again lol. But I get the violence thing, really, it's hard to explain to some people the difference between violence that explores a human experience or just gratuituous, badly written violence porn - they must have read some pretty blood curdling things and if they don't need that in their lives, I get it. I think they understood that about my story but if you have a rule, you have a rule - I was pissed at first then I thought about it and understood so it was all cool. Lol, you're a child killer now??? Lmao. That's not so stylish :P Sounds like you just had a bad run, funny you got banned. Is there a Hive Buzz badge for that? Coz there should be!

I loved your story, it was really well written and the violence was more hinted at than graphic, but I get where the inkwell comes from with their rules as well, they must see some amount of horrible stuff, so it's easier to go with a blanket ban. I contacted Jayna for another of my stories and got it "pre-approved" shall we say, as I knew it had a theme of violence, but was making sure first it wouldn't get muted if I posted. So that's something you can do as well if you're ever concerned in the future. 🙂

I just didn't even think about it, my bad. I do get it though. It's hard enough being a curator let alone reading banal and horrifying violence everyday. I was annoyed at first but once I read where they were coming from it totally was fine. A non issue.

Yeah exactly, if we write something from the prompt and it's suitable for The Ink Well then that's great, if it's not, then it's still a good story for the portfolio, or to use somewhere else, or even just good practice. It's all good 😊

Haha, hi you! 🙂 Yeah, you had my back that time, thank you, it was really appreciated. I think it stung a little bit because my story was muted, it felt like a week of my work was wasted, but in fairness more people probably read it and commented because of that fact. 😁

Waiting for more fabulous fiction?? ❤️🤗💕
How are you doing

I'm not bad, life seems so busy!

Great that you're still writing so much on here, I tried writing with Jayna's writing group, (fantastic group btw!) but I struggled to get any longer stories finished, and with other commitments and projects, I just had to step back from it. Making time has always been my problem.

I'm going to TRY to write short little ideas for the ink well again though, as I loved that. It's just about having the discipline to impose the shorter word limit on myself and then bloody sticking to it, as that seems to be my major problem!

Looking forward to catching up on your work. 🙂