Pixabay by Darkmoon_Art
Once upon a time there was a town called Villa Oscura, despite its name it was a paradise at the foot of an extinct volcano where many happy and hardworking families lived. Among them was Mark's, a 12 year old boy who loved to explore the surroundings of the village with his best friend Dylan. Mark was very curious and brave, and Dylan was adventurous, together they were always looking for new adventures.
They constantly explored the forest and the surroundings, but one day while walking through the forest, they decided to go further than anyone else, and that's how they reached the back of the volcano, this part had been so affected by an ancient eruption that had not been able to regenerate nature. while exploring excitedly, they imagined they were medieval knights and that the grooves left by the lava were dragons claws, fighting each other with sticks as swords was that Mark threw his and discovered a cave he had never seen before. It was a dark and narrow entrance that opened between the rocks. Mark approached cautiously and Dylan always with his adventurous spirit shone his flashlight inside. He saw that the cave extended inward and seemed to have several galleries.
-What's in there? -Mark wondered, "Do you dare to go in, Dylan?
Dylan had already changed his look from knight to explorer, so Mark smiled and they went into the cave. The cave led into the volcano, which looked like a labyrinth of passages and rooms full of stalactites and stalagmites of a thousand colors, as if it were an enchanted castle. Mark was fascinated by what he saw and wanted to keep going.
-This is incredible," Dylan exclaimed. It looks like a magical world.
What he didn't know, however, was that the cave held a very old and dangerous secret. In the depths of the cave lived a terrible creature: a red dragon that slept on a great treasure of gold and jewels that it had accumulated over many ages. The dragon had not left its lair for centuries and only woke up when it sensed an intruder in its territory, but no one had ever dared to enter the cave. And that was what happened when Mark and Dylan arrived at the large room where the dragon rested. The smell of humans made the dragon's eyes widen and it roared furiously. At the sight of the intruders, his anger flared along with his breath and he launched a flare of fire towards them.
Mark and Dylan were scared out of their wits at the sight of the dragon and ran for the exit as fast as they could. But the dragon wasn't going to let them escape so easily. It rose from its hoard as gold and jewels flew all over the room and chased them through the passages with its claws and fangs. Mark realized they were in grave danger and looked for some way out of the cave. Luckily, he remembered the path they had taken to enter and tried to follow it backwards. However, the dragon was faster than they were and soon caught up with them.

Pixabay by Artie_Navarre
-Help! -cried Mark, "Help us!
At that moment, something unexpected happened, an icy breeze blew in, flooding the hallway with a cold fog: and from one of the chambers a voice echoed in the cave.
-Stop!" said the voice, "Leave those children alone!
Mark looked up and saw another dragon flying above them. It was a blue dragon with scales as shiny as ice. The blue dragon came between them and the red dragon.
and the red dragon.
-Who are you? -asked the red dragon. What are you doing here?
-I am Sapphire," answered the blue dragon. And I am here to protect these children.
-Protect them? -scoffed the red dragon. Why? They are thieves who have entered my cave without permission.
-They are not thieves," said Sapphire. They are innocent explorers who just wanted to see your cave.
-Well, I don't want to see them," said the red dragon. I want to burn them to dust and ashes.
And with that said, he opened his mouth and again shot a flare of flame at Mark and Dylan.
and Dylan.
Sapphire reacted quickly and blew an icy breath that froze the red dragon's fire and created a huge wall of ice. Then he approached Mark and Dylan and grabbed them with his claws.
-Don't be afraid," he said. I'm going to get you out of here.
And without wasting any time, Sapphire flew towards the exit of the cave with the boys in her claws. The red dragon tried to follow them, but found that the entrance was blocked by a wall of ice and the cave had become too cold for the dragon, so he had to rest to warm up and recover his temperature.
-Damn you! -he shouted, "This won't stay like this!
But Sapphire was already far away and paid no attention to him. He flew through the sky until he reached a snowy mountain where he had his nest. There she carefully left Mark and Dylan.
-Are you all right? -he asked them.
-Yes, thanks to you," said Dylan. You're very brave.
-You're welcome," said Sapphire. I'm glad I saved you.
-Who are you? -And why did you help us?
-I am a guardian dragon," explained Sapphire. My mission is to protect humans from evil dragons like the one that attacked you.
-And how did you know we were in danger? -Mark asked.
-Because I have a special gift," said Sapphire. I can hear the thoughts of humans when they are in distress. That's how I found you.
-Wow," exclaimed Mark and Dylan in unison. That's amazing.
Sapphire smiled and invited them into her nest. There she offered them food and drink and told them many stories about her life as a guardian dragon. Mark and Dylan were fascinated by everything he told them and became friends with him.
It was several hours before Sapphire told them it was time to return to their village. He flew them to the outskirts of Dark Village and dropped them off near their homes.
-It was a pleasure to meet you," she said. I hope to see you again soon.
-We hope to see you again soon," said Mark and Dylan. Thank you for all you have done for us.
They hugged goodbye and each went home. Mark told his parents what had happened to him in the cave and they didn't believe him. They thought it was just another one of their son's fantasies. But Mark knew it was true and kept the secret in his heart. From that day on, Mark and Dylan visited Sapphire whenever they could. They became great friends and had many adventures together.
Interesting story, I like that style of children's fantasy story. I would like to know if the red dragon will return, it will be exciting the outcome you will create.
Hi @jackdeathblack, thanks for sharing this interesting fantasy story in The Ink Well. We have some feedback for you.
Have you used any tools to help you find errors? The most common one is Grammarly. Another method we recommend is to draft your stories in Google docs, which will point out many of the errors to you and then you can click on them to fix them. You can read about it in our article, Help for the Grammatically Challenged. Once the story is drafted and edited, then you can paste it into your post.
Another tip is to make sure you understand how to use pronouns properly in English. It is not clear whether the blue dragon is a male or female, because you change back and forth between male (he, him, his) and female pronouns (she, her, hers).
For example:
Another thing we noted is that you have some repeated phrases in your story:
We recommend reading your story carefully in order to make sure you have found any problems that will impact the quality of your writing so you can fix them before posting. Good luck and keep writing!