
At this point, I was once again questioning why I was going through all this

I'm sorry, I laughed. I recognised the ridiculousness of it all and yet ... we still keep trying to make it work!

Those women, though, enough to bring out your inner flame thrower! 😍

Love the crabby assistant, good to know there are some things AI can't do.

Yes, we keep trying to make it work, against all reason. Never again, though! I've finally learned my lesson.

I heard that there are women's shelters that need clothing, and I'm going to figure out how to do that. I just don't like feeding the Goodwill machine, because it's a big capitalist venture!

there are women's shelters that need clothing

That's a very good idea.

Yes I'm excited about it! If at the end of the day we can do a little bit of good, it's a great day. ❤️

It’s funny how some garments that may have suited you at a certain age just look ridiculous with the passage of time.

I totally relate to this one because our cabinet is literally filled with a lot of clothes, and most of them are the ones we often don't use. Your experience in reselling those clothes is sure grueling. I couldn't imagine how taxing it is to go back to those stores, especially with those foul women on the counter. I admire how long your patience was because I couldn't imagine myself dealing with them.

It's so hard to get rid of clothes, even if they no longer fit or the style is wrong. It's like we just keep feeling hopeful that at some point they will be just the right thing! But I've discovered that whenever I clear out excess things from my closet I feel amazing, like I'm getting a fresh start!

It's so hard to get rid of clothes, even if they no longer fit or the style is wrong.

As a sentimental person, I really agree with this. There are really memories in every clothes I've worn, and like you, I also hope that there will be another time where I can wear them again, but since our place was cramped, I eventually need to let them go.

Wow ! How rude !

I wonder how people keep taking their items to these shops at all. I don't know why anyone would put up with being treated that way for a small amount of money.

I'm glad the rainbow brightened you back up.

Thank you, @jacey.boldart. I know, right? I checked online snd the reviews are very mixed. Multiple people have had terrible experiences with these places, like I have! I'm so done with them.

As I mentioned to @shanibeer, in the future I will be donating my gently used clothing to shelters for women. In fact there is one in my area that supports women in retraining and getting job placements, and they must have the ability to dress nicely for their interviews. It will be so much more rewarding to support those places!

Oh ! I like your idea to donate to the women's shelter. That is certainly the worthiest of causes.

I was just thinking those shops depend on people's clothing for their very existence and they are getting them cheap to boot. Even if they don't end up liking what was brought in by someone, you'd think they would be ever so thankful that people keep bringing them. Who knows, that person might have friends with clothes the store would like, but when they are rude, who is going to recommend them to their friends? Makes no sense for the business they are in.

Haha @jayna, you had me chuckling before the crabby woman image, sounds like the perfect candid camera prank. Only thing, it was for real😂 Sorry I'm laughing but I can just imagine how you must have felt, and I can see the look on those people's sullen faces!
We have an online platform called yaga where we set up our own store of preloved goods, not just clothing. I've decluttered big time, mostly homeware goods, selling them dirt cheap but making some extra on the side and the buyers are happy. We use a locker system run by a courier company, making shipping super affordable.
Yaga was started in Estonia, and whoever started Yaga here in SA must be doing exceptionally well. Perhaps there's a similar concept in your state?
If you'd like to take a peek, my store is
Thank you for brightening my day with your candid camera story. Not funny at the time though😡

Thank you, @lizelle! Oh, trust me, I was laughing the whole time I wrote this because it really is hilarious in hindsight!

Thanks so much as well for the info! I intended to add this to the post but felt it was getting too long. I've decided to make all further donations to women's shelters. It's really not about the money for me. I just don't really like the Goodwill organization, which is a capitalist regime that makes millions off the backs of their workers and receives an enormous amount of inventory for free. I mean... smart business model, but I just don't want to be a part of it. I am excited to do something positive with my donations!

That's wonderful @jayna, it's good to know that one's donations go to a good cause. Awful about the Goodwill organization though, and to be so ungracious about your donation!

Oh god what a farce! Are people in retail usually that difficult where you live? Clearly taking them to a charity shop is the way to go. I am guilty of driving clothes around for a long time before they finally go to the 'oppy' as we call it here - the opportunity shop.

That last image is hilarious. A shame you couldn't send it as a 'thankyou' card for the 'wonderful' service you didn't recieve.

Ha ha ha, yes I think I should do exactly that, @riverflows. I protected the stores by using made-up names, but they are all the same. They have so many people coming in with their used clothing that the workers burn out. And no, most other customer service is fantastic! That's why it's so shocking!

This story could have also been called "No good deed goes unpunished."

“Also,” she said, “please don’t bring clothing in on hangers.”

This is the part when I began seeing red and thinking, I would've just thrown the clothes in a pile and light them up 😡 But I can be quick on the trigger sometimes 🤠

And then the next beauty,

...when I walked in with my bags of clothes, the woman said, “Oh, I’m sorry, but the clothing must be on hangers.”

I can feel my blood pressure rising reading this part. Heh. You have the patience of a saint. Hilarious story (though sadly an annoying experience for you).

Oh my gosh, @litguru, thank you for feeling my pain! I actually find the whole thing as amusing as it is annoying. But writing this made me realize that I am absolutely done with these businesses. In no other retail situation do I find people this cold and rude, and end up feeling like I was treated like something diseased and unworthy. It really is a wonder that they thrive! And I am not alone. The online reviews are a mix of good experiences — and very very bad.

It's surprising they're still in business given the mixed reviews. The demand for their types of products must be high. Go figure. :)

Yes, you're exactly right! Women are constantly refreshing their wardrobes for different seasons, events, and activities — from professional to casual to out on the town. It's very expensive. So these shops capitalize on the resale opportunity. On the upside, it's possible to find fashionable wear (even top brands) at a fraction of the price of new.

However, when I walked in with my bags of clothes, the woman said, “Oh, I’m sorry, but the clothing must be on hangers.”

Ba Dum Bump! 😂

I actually laughed out loud. Poor @jayna. Yes, just give them away. You wasted more money on gas...

The good news is, you're losing the weight you want to lose. That broken foot is finally history.

A perfectly paced piece. Really quite a pleasure to read.

Thanks so much, @agmoore. I have to admit, it was cathartic to write this! If I was really feeling vindictive, I would have used the real business names. But I just wanted to vent it (pretty much giggling the whole time), and then move on.

I really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. However, by the end I was in fits of laughter, but the tears were there too; I laughed so hard that I ended up crying!
Next time think about selling your old clothes as “vintage” on Etsy, you’d probably get a premium.
PS: those AI crabs are awesome!

Thank you so much for laughing, @itsostylish. I knew it would cause mixed emotions, but hoped at least a few people would see the humor in it!

Listing on Etsy is a great idea. I may do that. But I just can’t imagine where I would find the time. I’ve discovered that one can donate to women’s shelters, including one in my area that supports women who are trying to recover from various past issues and get jobs. I like the idea of supporting that!

That’s a stunning idea! 😁