Valentin's big family

in The Ink Well3 years ago

Valentin was a 25-year-old man who graduated as a communicator; his mother, who was his only family, had died a few years earlier. As soon as he graduated, he found a job in a very prestigious radio station in the country. He was very dedicated in his work, he liked things well done, so he arrived early, shared with his colleagues and sometimes he was the last one to leave the station. Although he was happy with his work, he felt that something was missing, he had to find a way to help people.

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One morning, while he was getting ready to go to work, he heard some screams in the street and when he looked out to see what it was about, it was a woman who was screaming worried about the health of her daughter who she had to take to the doctor immediately, that woman was his neighbor but at that moment with the desperation of the woman did not give him time to know what was happening, that afternoon when he came home from work he decided to go visit his neighbor to see what had happened to see if he could help him in something.

The woman's name was Margarita, she opened the door and when she heard the question of what happened to the girl she started to cry, Valentin did not understand what was happening to her, he simply let her unburden herself. When she finally began to talk she told him that her daughter suffered from asthma and when she had a crisis it was very difficult for her to breathe and they had to go quickly to the doctor because she ran out of oxygen, lately these crises were occurring more frequently, since they did not have the resources to buy the medicines or to perform a series of tests to determine the best treatment that could help the girl.

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Valentin thought all night what he could do to help Margarita who was living a difficult situation with her daughter, the next morning he already had the answer, he already knew what to do, he got ready and as every day he went to work, this time in one of the spaces between one song and another he dedicated only a few minutes to ask for help for his neighbor and his little girl said "the daughter of a good friend is going through a complicated health problem and needs our help, if you want to help her contact me and I will explain how you can do it".

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From the moment the program ended many messages and calls began to arrive, many people wanted to help Margarita and her daughter, not knowing what to do he called Margarita and told her that many people were interested in helping her, she sent him her bank account as he asked for it and Valentin began to tell people that the help could be deposited in that account. At the end of the day, when he arrived home they were waiting for him at the door of his apartment, Margarita and her little daughter who ran excited to see him, they already had more than enough money for the tests, for the treatment and for many more things, so he had served that little space that he had dedicated to ask for help for that dedicated mother.

She realized that this was a good way to help the people who needed it the most, just as Margarita was helped by people with good hearts, she could help others who were going through difficult situations, she began to visit hospitals, clinics, parks and in those places she found humble people who needed a helping hand to get ahead. Every day he set aside a space to ask for help for a different person who needed it, this had very good results because people who had a good position helped the needy selflessly.

The people Valentin helped would call him that same day or the next day to thank him for the help he provided, as everyone received help immediately. Valentin now felt useful, he was happy to be able to help people, hearing their happy voices because their problem was going to be solved filled him with joy.

One day, when Valentin was on his way to work, he suddenly collapsed and was taken to the emergency room, where he was diagnosed with a delicate heart problem. The colleague at the radio station who was replacing him told the station and asked for help, money kept coming into Valentin's account, everything he needed to get better and pay for the operation was available in his account, much more than he needed. Several days later, on the radio they thanked everyone who helped Valentin and said that Valentin would be discharged that afternoon thanks to their help.

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That afternoon when Valentin was discharged, when he left the hospital, he was surprised to see a huge amount of people filling the street, there were almost 1000 people with gifts, balloons and flowers, they were waiting for him, they were the people he had helped together with their families, it was their way of thanking him for the act of love he had shown by helping them. His tears kept coming, it was the best reward he had ever received. He felt that they loved him, he was not alone, he felt like he was with a big family.


Valentin found his purpose in the smile of others. This is a beautiful story that gives a great lesson. Valentin would be a great role model to people who only want to put a smile on people's faces.

Such a heartwarming story. It's nice to know that Valentin's good deeds didn't go unrewarded, and that in moments of needs, many people are willing to lend him a helping hand. I wish more people like Valentin exist in the real world.

This is a truly lovely story, @jolihb. It demonstrates that in life when you give of yourself, it comes back to you — which is what some will call karma. Well done!

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