Everything had gone south, I was already like a balloon floating in space to a destination unknown. I had managed to find the strength to take a stroll across the road in a bid to find food at Kelechi's house, only to see him in a worse state than I was. He was lying flat on the bed like a busted balloon. We looked at each other knowing full well that the only thing that could save us was a miracle, which never looked like it was going to happen anytime soon. Out of my frustration, I spoke in our normal pidgin English…
Guy, you see that light wey dem say dey at the end of the tunnel so, e be like say dem don truly cut am ooo, because I no dey see am again.
You see that light at the end of the tunnel, looks like someone tampered with it because I can't see it again.
O men, like this I swear I don tire, e be like say my body dey boil for inside, I no fit even Waka well again, omo we Don really suffer for this life ooo.
Men, I must admit I'm tired, it's as though my body is boiling inside, I can't even walk well again. We have really suffered in life.
Image by pvproductions on Freepik
We continued in our lamentations for almost an hour. It was the third day we were going with food, surviving on the little water we had. I decided I would check my phone again hoping I would see a miracle of some sort. Instead, I got a message from my mother that I could not understand at first, and when I finally forced my heart to understand, it was as though I dropped an ake on my foot. The message read…
How are you doing Kelvin, please I need to share a secret with you, let it remain between us until when the time to reveal it is manifested. I know you're going through a lot of stress but it can never be compared to what I'm going through. So please after I tell you everything I want to tell you, you have to promise me you will not get your hands stinked on wrong things. By the grace of God, I've written my will and the major thing written there is that when I'm dead, the children; victory, Caleb, greatness, and Prince should be taken to Mrs tobore ogbolu which is victory's madam.
I thought I could not grow any weaker than I had, but after reading that, strength left me. Confused, devastated, heart-wrecked, and hungry was how I felt. I could not even find the strength to cry and the only thing that could come out of my mouth was lord help me.
There are times we may be down and when we see the ones who can help us in our same state we may feel hopeless.
Coupled with the fact that a parent is giving that kind of information, we even feel more dejected.
But when we realize that the light at the other end of the tunnel needs a little more hard work to get there, the more we feel refreshed and happy.
Life is filled with ups and downs so we shouldn't let our situations get the best of us because no condition is permanent.
So we have to work hard to do our best so as not to allow our emotions get the best of us
Indeed you are very correct, thanks for stopping by
This is quite emotional but I must remind you that life is full of ups and downs. Be strong and keep working hard. We all shall tell a story a, look back and smile to where we are now
Yes you are right, even in times when we seem down and all hope lost, we just have to keep pushing
Only when we have fallen do we know the strength we have to get up. Sometimes we think we can't, but we can. An interesting story. Thank you for sharing
Yeah you are right, thanks for stopping by.
Some situations could be daunting and troubling and we could only stay hopeful for a miracle. It's very painful when we're as helpless as others we wish to help
Yeah right...
It can be hard dealing with setbacks when they follow each other like that. They're however a tests that we have to try overcoming.
Yes you are right, thanks for stopping by
Truth is we can never know that our own life or difficult situation is minor to the others around us even we hear their story. If you haven't gone to your friend house you won't have known he is also passing through difficulties. This story is relatable.
Yeah right
This must have been an incredibly difficult time in your life, not knowing when you were going to be able to eat again, and being responsible for your siblings. Then receiving a message like that from your Mom must have been devastating. I found it a little hard to relate to your story only because the context was missing. There was no backstory shared as to why your family was in this position or what age you or your siblings were at the time. There was also no resolution showing how you managed to survive, because clearly you did! I was left with so many questions and wanting so much more from it...
A couple more points on formatting and grammar. Centred text does not work for fiction - it's harder on the eye to read, distracting and disconcerting. It takes away from the experience. Text justified to the left and made to fit margin to margin makes for much better presentation. I am also confused as to why you would use capital letters for some of your siblings and lower case for others and for Mrs Ogbolu. It's inconsistent and grammatically incorrect.
This had the potential to be a great #CNF. More focus on fully developing your story next time would definitely elevate your pieces.
Thank you for the corrections, I will do better next time
I loved this story, you write like a poet
Thank you, I appreciate your kind words
An intense creative expression of deep heartfelt emotions.. thanks for sharing. Keep well my friend.
#dreemerforlife beemed down from #dreemport - to this #dreemer curated post :)
I appreciate your thoughtful comment, thanks for stopping by
They did say shoes fit in differently, and if everyone puts their problems on the table you'll quickly grab yours. .. a wonderful suspense story, am curious to know what the secret is the mother shared with him, you never mentioned
Lol, I did, you will find it if you think deep. Thanks for stopping by
Hmmmmm well abeg i dont have time digging deep just break the news to me please...