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RE: Tomorrow Never Knows: Entry to the InkWell Prompt Challenge #54

in The Ink Well3 years ago

Hey @erh.germany! I'm happy I got your adrenaline running ;)

I had the thought that he probably runs around a bit too long

It always feels that way to me when I'm unprepared. I've had the fire alarm in my building go off in the middle of the night and getting ready to go outside is a slow moving nightmare.

When he takes the gun, the thought flashed that he could kill himself with it
Finally no more consideration, rob what there is to rob and if necessary, use the gun. From messy pod dweller to marauders. It can go that fast, HaHa!

Hah! Well put. We usually tell the story of the hero fighting against the marauders, but we rarely tell it it from the marauder's point of view. There is a reason why someone would choose robbery in a dire situation. In the protagonist's case, he seems to be very disorganized. Maybe the moral of the story is not prepare for tomorrow, but clean up your room. :)

I've been to a few crazy meetings in the last two years where emergency backpacks and survival tools are the name of the game.

I've never been to one of those, but I've learned quite a bit over the years because of hiking and camping. You gotta be prepared when you're in the wilderness.

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