Heart attack? (ESP/ENG)

in The Ink Well4 years ago

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Editada con Power Point


Primera parte

La Obsesión

Adam estaba sentado y muy ebrio en la barra del bar "The George". Cody quien trabaja como barman, llevaba toda la tarde y parte de la noche, escuchando la historia de la forma tan inhumana, en que la novia de Adam había terminado su relación de 7 años.

Porque yo no soy el amor de su vida- decía en tono burlón.

¿Puedes creer eso?- repetía en voz alta y lloraba.

Cody, en un intento de tranquilizarlo.

Has bebido mucho- le dice.

Mejor vete a casa, estás muy ebrio. Voy a llamar a un taxi para que te lleve- continúa.

Cody contrató el servicio de taxi para que llevara a Adam. En parte, él también deseaba que se fuera, se estaba poniendo muy pesado, y eso no era bueno para el bar. Ahuyentaba a los clientes con sus gritos de embriaguez.

Como pudo salió del bar y se subió al auto. No fue necesario que hablara con el chofer, Cody le dio indicaciones de dónde dejarlo, y también le pagó el servicio. Durante todo el viaje, Adam no hacía más que llorar. Él sí estaba enamorado de Cecile. Tenía planes para ese mes, de pedirle matrimonio, y ya estaba visitando algunos departamentos a través de una inmobiliaria. Quería una vivienda más amplia, donde pudiera formar una familia. Para él, todo iba excelente. Recién lo habían nombrado Jefe de la Unidad de Cardiología, y por supuesto, incluía un substancial aumento salarial. Sentía que ya era el momento de sentar cabeza, y quién mejor que con el gran amor de su vida.

El taxi lo deja frente a su casa. Una vez que logra entrar, se tumba sobre el sofá, no tiene fuerzas, ni voluntad para ir a su habitación.

Al día siguiente, cuando lo despierta la luz que entra por el ventanal de la sala, observa que estaba aún vestido. Muy poco recuerda de la noche anterior, ni siquiera sabe cómo llegó.

Que dolor de cabeza- dice, llevándose los dedos a la sien.

Va a su habitación, y se prepara para darse una ducha. En ese momento todo parecía perfecto, hasta que recuerda la causa del porqué, había bebido tanto, y mil mariposas atacan la boca de su estómago.

Cecile- dice en casi inaudible voz.

Siente ganas de llorar. Aún no comprende que pudo haber sucedido. Cómo una persona puede dejar de amar de un día para otro. Al mirarse al espejo, ve el reflejo de un hombre joven y apuesto. Sale del baño, toma una pastilla para el dolor de cabeza y se echa a dormir. Pasadas las 12 del medio día, su sueño es interrumpido por el sonido de su celular. Cody lo llama.

¿Cómo te sientes Adam?- le pregunta.

Tengo tu auto. Voy para tu casa a llevarlo- continúa.

Adam sabe que Cody es esa persona, que aunque, no es su mejor amigo, puede contar con él.

No era prudente que condujeras en el estado en el que te encontrabas- añade.

Mi vida es un caos- dice Adam.

Cody siente como la voz de Adam se quiebra. Y decide dejarlo tranquilo. Ya no se van a ver ese día.

Cuando por fin cuelga la llamada, recapitula todo lo sucedido, ya lleva un poco más de 2 meses del rompimiento con Cecile, sin embargo, no puede aceptarlo. Ella simplemente se había enamorado de otro hombre, un compañero de trabajo. Adam sabía de quien se trataba, August Owen. Un pasante de Ingeniería Civil, que había ingresado hace aproximadamente unos 8 meses atrás, en la empresa donde Cecile trabaja.

Adam se había dedicado a la tarea de mandarlo a espiar. Sabía donde vivía, sus rutinas dentro y fuera de la empresa, horarios, sitios que frecuentaba, absolutamente todo. El detective que él contrató lo mantenía muy bien informado. Y él sabía que lo que hacía estaba mal. Pero se consolaba pensando, que si descubría a August en algo raro, sería el primero en decírselo a Cecile y así recuperar su amor.

Se tumba boca arriba sobre la cama, coloca el móvil en su pecho y cierra los ojos un instante. Vuelve a repicar el teléfono.

Cody por favor, hoy no…- dice Adam molesto.

Soy yo- una voz femenina interrumpe.

¿Cecile?- sorprendido se sienta en la cama.

Disculpa mi llamada. Quería saber, si puedo ir esta tarde a tu casa, por el resto de mis cosas- pregunta ella.

Adam siente un profundo dolor en su pecho. Para él es inaceptable escuchar la fría voz de la mujer, que hace unos meses atrás lo abrazaba por la espalda y le decía que nunca la dejara.

Esta tarde quedé en verme con una amiga- él miente.

En la semana te hago llegar todo. No te preocupes- continúa.

Adam, llevas diciendo lo mismo desde hace dos meses- habla Cecile.


Siempre es lo mismo Adam. Estás enfermo. Te he dicho muchas veces que debes verte con un psicólogo. Ellos pueden ayudarte a superar esto. Entre colegas se ayudan- añade.


Adam siente como su dolor se transforma en odio.


Cuelga la llamada y arroja el teléfono. Comienza a caminar de un lado a otro, mientras que su respiración se agita. Él no piensa quedarse así nada más. La obsesión que siente por esa mujer va más allá de todo límite.


Segunda parte

Para Siempre

Se detiene de golpe, y esboza una sonrisa un tanto maléfica. Su rostro había cambiado de dolor a soberbia en una fracción de segundo. Busca el móvil.

Cody, necesito que vengas- dice Adam.

Al cabo de una hora, llega a la casa de Adam y le hace entrega de las llaves de su auto.

Necesito que me hagas un favor- dice mientras recibe las llaves.

Necesito que vayas mañana a primera hora a hacerte un examen de laboratorio. Yo lo pago por supuesto. Te dejo el nombre del examen y el laboratorio a donde quiero que vayas- continúa.

Cody lo observa un poco confundido.

¿Examen de laboratorio?- pregunta.

Si- le responde un tanto alterado.

Lo que más le gusta a Adam de Cody, es que éste no hace muchas preguntas. Quizás su oficio como barman lo enseñó más a escuchar, que a preguntar.

Vas a ir al Medical Lab y vas a pedir que te realicen un VDRL. Yo lo pago desde aquí- da las instrucciones.

Toma, llévate mi auto, es más, te lo regalo. Ya necesito cambiar de auto- continúa.

Una cosa más, cuando des tus datos, vas a decir que te llamas August Owen. No se te puede olvidar. Y les aclaras que el resultado lo va a buscar un familiar- añade.

Adam le regresa las llaves. Quizás tuvo éste gesto para callar su conciencia, por el favor que iba a hacerle, y también, para que no hiciese preguntas.

Al día siguiente, como a eso de las 2 pm, Cody llama a Adam.

Me llamaron del laboratorio, ya tienen el resultado. Que por cierto no me dijiste que era una prueba para diagnosticar sífilis. Todos me vieron como a un bicho raro- reclama.

Adam llega al laboratorio, recoge el sobre y se marcha del lugar. Al llegar a casa, se coloca unos guantes de látex, busca entre su maletín una jeringa, y un torniquete, revisa el examen, y verifica que todo esté tal cual como se lo solicitó a Cody. Se dirige a la caja fuerte que está en su armario y saca su arma de fuego, una calibre 9 mm; comprueba que esté cargada y la guarda en su chaqueta. Observa su reloj de pulsera, 8 en punto. Toma las llaves de su camioneta y el examen. La adrenalina se apodera de él. Sabe hacia dónde se está dirigiendo. Seca el sudor de su cara, y pierde la cuenta de cuantas veces ha observado por el espejo retrovisor, que nadie lo esté siguiendo.

Se detiene justo en frente de la casa donde vive August, Saca el resultado y desecha el sobre, lo dobla y lo mete en su bolsillo, donde está también la jeringa. Verifica de nuevo el arma, ve una vez más el espejo retrovisor, da una fuerte respiración y se baja. El camino de la camioneta a la puerta de entrada se le hace en cámara lenta. Toca el timbre, y en unos minutos abren la puerta.

¿Sí?- pregunta August.

Adam aprovecha el momento y empuja la puerta apenas la abren. La cierra y saca su arma para apuntar a August.

¿Quién es usted? ¿Qué quiere?- pregunta August.

Por favor baje esa arma, aquí no hay nada de valor- continúa nervioso.

Nunca debiste meterte con lo que es mío- dice Adam.

Yo no lo conozco. Por favor salga de mi casa- suplica August,

Cállate y siéntate- le ordena Adam, mientras sigue apuntando.

Mete la mano en su bolsillo, saca la jeringa y el torniquete, arrojándolos a August. Le ordena, que se ponga la banda elástica en el brazo, y que llene de aire al máximo la jeringa.

Si veo que intentas hacer algo diferente a lo que te estoy ordenando, no dudaré en halar del gatillo-.

August sin entender nada de lo que sucede, hace todo lo que Adam le pide.

Puedo hablar con un amigo que le daría dinero. El que usted pida- le dice August tratando de negociar.

Cállate imbécil. No quiero dinero- le dice Adam alterado.

Coloca la aguja en tu vena, e inyecta el aire-.

August por temor a que le disparasen, y aún sin entender nada de lo que está sucediendo, cumple lo que le ordenan. Sin saber, que de igual forma, va a una muerte segura. Inyectar una gran cantidad de aire en las venas, puede llevar a una persona a tener una embolia gaseosa. Lo que le provocaría en escasos segundos, un infarto fulminante.

Apenas saca la aguja del brazo, se coloca la mano en el pecho y cae al suelo. Adam ve como la vida va dejando el cuerpo de August, y eso le causa temor y satisfacción. Un sentimiento nuevo para él. Recoge todo lo que había llevado y deja en un sitio visible el resultado del examen. Revisa una vez más la escena y se retira. En un lugar boscoso y solitario, se deshace del sobre, la jeringa, la banda elástica y los guantes. Y se va a su casa. Esa noche, Adam no sintió tristeza, ni ganas de llorar, ya no sentía pesar, y por primera vez en muchos días, pudo dormir toda la noche.

A la mañana siguiente, llaman a la puerta de su casa, estaba alistándose para salir. Apenas abre, Cecile se abalanza sobre él, está desconsolada.

August falleció anoche de un infarto fulminante- le dice.

Un hombre tan joven-.

Lo siento mucho mi amor. Aquí estoy para apoyarte. Esas cosas no pueden predecirse- dice Adam mientras la abraza.

Oh Adam, lamento mucho el sufrimiento que pude haberte causado. Perdóname-.

Cecile, tu sabes que todavía te amo y estoy dispuesto a olvidar todo lo sucedido y continuar con nuestras vidas juntos. Nunca debimos separarnos- continúa.

Adam la abraza fuerte, mientras Cecile no cabe en su desconsuelo. El esboza una sonrisa un tanto maléfica, mientras la aprieta contra su pecho.

Nunca te dejaré cariño. Nunca-.


¿Crees que Adam logre salirse con la suya?

Cecile no se merece un hombre así, definitivamente.


Part One

The Obsession

Adam was sitting drunk at the bar of "The George", Cody, who works as a bartender, had been listening to the story of the inhuman way in which Adam's girlfriend had ended their 7 year relationship all afternoon and part of the night.

Because I'm not the love of his life- he said mockingly.

Can you believe that?- she repeated aloud and cried.

Cody, in an attempt to calm him down.

You've had too much to drink- he says.

You'd better go home, you're too drunk. I'm going to call a cab to take you- he continues.

Cody hired the cab service to take Adam. Partly, he wished he would leave too, he was getting too heavy, and that wasn't good for the bar. He was driving customers away with his drunken yelling.

As best he could he left the bar and got into the car. There was no need for him to talk to the driver, Cody gave him directions where to drop him off, and also paid for the service. During the whole trip, Adam did nothing but cry. He was in love with Cecile. He had plans that month to propose to her, and was already looking at apartments through a real estate agent. He wanted a bigger house, where he could start a family. For him, everything was going excellent. He had just been appointed Chief of the Cardiology Unit, and of course, it included a substantial salary increase. He felt it was time to settle down, and who better than with the great love of his life.

The cab drops him off in front of his house. Once he gets inside, he lies down on the sofa, he has neither the strength nor the will to go to his room.

The next day, when he is awakened by the light coming through the living room window, he sees that he is still dressed. He remembers very little of the night before, he doesn't even know how he got there.

What a headache- he says, putting his fingers to his temples.

He goes to his room and gets ready to take a shower. At that moment everything seemed perfect, until he remembers the reason why he had drunk so much, and a thousand butterflies attack the pit of his stomach.

Cecile- says in an almost inaudible voice.

He feels like crying. He still doesn't understand what could have happened. How a person can stop loving from one day to the next. Looking in the mirror, he sees the reflection of a young, handsome man. He leaves the bathroom, takes a headache pill and goes to sleep. After noon, his sleep is interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing. Cody calls him.

How are you feeling Adam?- he asks.

I've got your car. I'm on my way to your house to give you a ride-.

Adam knows that Cody is that person, that even though he's not his best friend, he can count on him.

It wasn't wise for you to drive in the state you were in- he adds.

My life is in chaos- Adam says.

Cody feels Adam's voice crack. He decides to leave him alone. They're not going to see each other that day.

When he finally hangs up the call, he recapitulates everything that has happened, it has been a little more than 2 months since the breakup with Cecile, however, he cannot accept it. She had simply fallen in love with another man, a co-worker. Adam knew who it was, August Owen. A Civil Engineering intern, who had joined the company where Cecile works about 8 months ago.

Adam had dedicated himself to the task of spying on him. He knew where he lived, his routines inside and outside the company, schedules, places he frequented, absolutely everything. The detective he hired kept him very well informed. And he knew what he was doing was wrong. But he consoled himself with the thought that if he caught August at something wrong, he would be the first to tell Cecile and win back her love.

He lies on his back on the bed, places the cell phone on his chest and closes his eyes for a moment. The phone rings again.

Cody please, not today...- Adam says in annoyance.

It's me- a female voice interrupts.

Cecile?- surprised, he sits up in bed.

Excuse my call. I wanted to know, if I can come to your house this afternoon, for the rest of my things- she asks.

Adam feels a deep pain in his chest. It is unacceptable for him to hear the cold voice of the woman who a few months ago hugged him from behind and told him never to leave her.

This afternoon I arranged to meet a friend- he lies.

I'll get everything to you within the week. Don't worry- continues.

Adam, you've been saying the same thing for two months- Cecile speaks.


It's always the same Adam. You're sick. I've told you many times that you should see a psychologist. They can help you get through this. Colleagues help each other- he adds.


Adam feels his pain turn to hate.


He hangs up the call and throws the phone away. He starts pacing back and forth, while his breathing hitches. He doesn't intend to stay like this any longer. The obsession he feels for this woman goes beyond all limits.


Second part


He stops with a jolt, and sketches a somewhat evil grin. His face had changed from pain to haughtiness in a split second. He reaches for his cell phone.

Cody, I need you to come over- Adam says.

After an hour, he arrives at Adam's house and hands him his car keys.

I need you to do me a favor- he says as he receives the keys.

I need you to come in first thing tomorrow morning for a lab test. I'll pay for it of course. I'll leave you the name of the test and the lab where I want you to go- he continues.

Cody looks at him a little confused.

Lab test?- he asks.

Yes- he replies, a bit upset.

What Adam likes most about Cody is that he doesn't ask many questions. Perhaps his trade as a bartender taught him more to listen than to ask.

You're going to go to the Medical Lab and ask for a VDRL. I'll pay for it from here- he gives the instructions.

Here, take my car, in fact, I'll give it to you. I already need to change cars-.

One more thing, when you give your information, you're going to say your name is August Owen. You can't forget it. And make it clear that the result will be picked up by a relative- adds.

Adam gives him back the keys. Perhaps he made this gesture to quiet his conscience, for the favor he was going to do him, and also, so that he wouldn't ask questions.

The next day, around 2 pm, Cody calls Adam.

I got a call from the lab, they got the results back. Which by the way you didn't tell me was a test to diagnose syphilis. Everyone looked at me like I was a freak- he claims.

Adam arrives at the lab, picks up the envelope and leaves. When he gets home, he puts on some latex gloves, searches through his briefcase for a syringe and a tourniquet, checks the test, and verifies that everything is as he asked Cody to do. He goes to the safe in his closet and takes out his firearm, a 9 mm caliber; he checks that it is loaded and puts it in his jacket. He looks at his wristwatch, 8 o'clock. He takes the keys to his truck and the test. Adrenaline takes hold of him. He knows where he is heading. He wipes the sweat from his face, and loses count of how many times he has watched in the rearview mirror, that no one is following him.

He stops right in front of the house where August lives, takes out the result and discards the envelope, folds it and puts it in his pocket, where the syringe is also. He checks the gun again, looks once more in the rearview mirror, takes a sharp intake of breath and gets out. The walk from the van to the front door is in slow motion. He rings the doorbell, and in a few minutes they open the door.

Yes- asks August.

Adam seizes the moment and pushes the door open as soon as it is opened. He closes it and pulls out his gun to point it at August.

Who are you? What do you want?- asks August.

Please put that gun down, there's nothing of value here- he continues nervously.

You should never have messed with what's mine- says Adam.

I don't know you. Please get out of my house- begs August,

Shut up and sit down- orders Adam, as he continues to point the gun.

He reaches into his pocket, pulls out the syringe and tourniquet, tossing them to August. He orders him to put the elastic band on his arm, and to fill the syringe with as much air as possible.

If I see you try to do anything different from what I'm ordering you to do, I won't hesitate to pull the trigger-.

August, not understanding anything that is happening, does everything Adam asks.

I can talk to a friend who will give you money. Whatever you ask for- says August, trying to negotiate.

Shut up, asshole. I don't want money- Adam says to him in a huff.

Put the needle in your vein, and inject the air-.

August for fear of being shot, and still not understanding anything of what is happening, complies with the order. Without knowing that he is heading for certain death. Injecting a large amount of air into the veins can cause a person to have an air embolism. This would cause a fulminant infarction in just a few seconds.

As soon as he pulls the needle out of his arm, he places his hand on his chest and falls to the ground. Adam watches the life leave August's body, and it gives him both awe and satisfaction. A new feeling for him. He picks up everything he had been carrying and leaves the result of the examination in a visible place. He reviews the scene once more and leaves. In a lonely wooded place, he gets rid of the envelope, the syringe, the elastic band and the gloves. And he goes home. That night, Adam felt no sadness, no desire to cry, no more grief, and for the first time in many days, he was able to sleep through the night.

The next morning, there is a knock at his door, he is getting ready to leave. As soon as he opens the door, Cecile rushes to him, heartbroken.

August died last night of a massive heart attack- she tells him.

Such a young man-.

I'm so sorry, my love. I'm here to support you. These things can't be predicted- Adam says as he hugs her.

Oh Adam, I am so sorry for the suffering I may have caused you. Forgive me-.

Cecile, you know I still love you and I am willing to forget everything that has happened and continue our lives together. We should never have parted- continues.

Adam hugs her tightly, while Cecile can't hold in her grief. He smiles a wicked smile as he presses her against his chest.

I will never leave you baby. Never-.


Do you think Adam will get away with it?

Cecile definitely doesn't deserve a man like that.

Espero hayas disfrutado de esta nueva historia.

Gracias por leerme.

I hope you enjoyed this new story.

Thank you for reading it.


Adam is certainly a nasty, disturbed character. Actually, pathological. Of course he won't get away with it. He is out of his mind and will continue to behave erratically.

It was hard to understand some parts of the story. For example, why a syphilis test by Cody if he does not have syphilis? Also, even though Cody doesn't ask questions, impersonating someone at a laboratory is a rather big deal. It is hard for the reader to believe anyone would do this, even an obliging person.

You have given us the outline of an obsessive personality with malevolent inclinations. We understand this character very well, and also know such people do exist.

Thank you for posting this story in the Ink Well community.

Hello, how have you been?

Yes, he is certainly sick and bad. And very easy to manipulate people.

The exam was to justify pricking August' arm, in case he was examined by forensics. And he took advantage of his position within the clinic to send Cody to a lab.

It was easier for Adam to ask to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases than for any other clinical pathology that might get him in trouble. He was a very meticulous man when it came to that.

Thank you for supporting my work. It fills me with happiness ;)

This is epic, @mayellig. You did a great job showing the obsessive, self-destructive behaviors of a person who has gone off the deep end from a break-up! I do not think he will get away with it. I have a strong hunch that Cecile will soon see through his attempts to win her back and realize that what he experiences is not love, but obsession. I was captivated by the story, even though I don't quite understand the syphilis test. I expect Cody will also come to understand how demented and dangerous his friend has become!

Hi friend @jayna. How have you been?

I too think Adam can't get away with it, there is no perfect crime. He is the type of person, no one would want to run into in life.

He is manipulative, he is evil. He took advantage of his position within the Cardiology Unit, and sent Cody to a specific lab. He thought it was easier for a young man to get diagnosed for a sexually transmitted disease than for any other pathology that might suddenly create some inconvenience for him. And if, to Adam's misfortune, August is reviewed by forensic medicine, he would be justified in having his arm jabbed.

The man knew what he did. I hope Cecile manages to escape from him, because she will be more unhappy than happy.

Thank you for reading, I'm really very happy. I send you a big hug ;)

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This is a truly captivating crime story. This is a crime of passion. One so meticulously planned he gets his desired goal. But for how long?
Eventually, his heinous crime would catch up to him and he would pay.
But meanwhile, i sincerely hope Cecile and Cody know just how sick and evil he had become... For their own safety.
This is a beautiful work, @mayellig, one that captures the attention of the reader from the first paragraph. And taking us into the diabolical mind of the killer is simply epic.
Keep it up👍🏽, i'm glad i read it.

Thanks my friend @bruno-kema. I'm glad you liked it.

I've been away from Hive for a while now because of my work, but I'm already organizing a schedule that will allow me to keep up with my posts. I really feel a little sad when I can't write daily hehehe.

I send you a big hug. And see you in the next story, be it yours or mine.

No problemo @mayellig. I'm glad you're back.
And just know it's very possible to write daily. But don't force it. So you would write your best.
Wish you luck. And see you on the next post. Be it yours or mine.😁

Wow! Me encantó la manera en que llevaste la trama querida @mayelling
¡Me sorprendiste!😊 Ojalá Cecile pueda descubrir la verdad muy pronto.
¡Recibe mi abrazo y admiración!🌺

Oh! gracias amiga. Me encanta inventar historias y escribirlas.

Ésta sería mi primera historia de crimen, siempre escribo es terror. Me apasiona el terror.

Gracias por apoyar mi trabajo, lo aprecio muchísimo ;)

Realmente me encantó. Me dejaste sudando frío jeje . No te he leído en otros géneros pero espero tener pronto la oportunidad de hacerlo 😊
Me alegra que compartamos el mismo gusto y amor por la literatura amiga.
¡Un abrazo!🌹