The dream (ESP/ENG)

in The Ink Well3 years ago

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Que sueño tan loco he tenido- le dice Sophia a su terapeuta.

Soñé que iba caminando por una calle, había muchas casas alrededor- continúa.

Los jardines eran realmente hermosos, había un sol radiante. Yo me sentía muy bien- se detiene un instante antes de continuar.

De una de las casas, veo salir a una señora que llevaba muchas cajas con zapatos y las había dejado en la vereda. Yo me quedé rezagada esperando que se fuera para ir a curiosear. En lo que tuve la oportunidad, me acerqué y vi que eran zapatos para mujer, muy hermosos y nuevos. Casi que de inmediato empecé a probármelos, pero ninguno era de mi talla, y eso me molestó un poco-.

De la misma casa de donde salió la señora, veo salir a una mujer, llevaba un sombrero grande. Llamó poderosamente mi atención la forma tan elegante en que vestía. De su lado derecho iba una niña, y las dos subieron a un auto que las estaba esperando afuera- Sophia se voltea y observa a su terapeuta, gira de nuevo y continúa.

Noté que la mirada de la mujer era muy triste. Se subieron al auto, y la misma señora que sacó los zapatos, salió con dos maletas, las cuales subió al maletero del vehículo. Y como si se tratase de una película, éste empezó a avanzar muy lentamente. La señora agitaba su brazo en señal de una despedida, pero la mujer que iba adentro ni se inmutó en corresponderle- Sophia seca una lágrima que escapa de su ojo.

Pobre mujer- musitó.


What a crazy dream I had- Sophia says to her therapist.

I dream I was walking down a street, there were many houses around- continues.

The gardens were really beautiful, the sun was shining. I felt very good- he pauses for a moment before continuing.

From one of the houses, I saw a lady coming out carrying many boxes with shoes and she had left them on the sidewalk. I stayed behind waiting for her to leave so I could go and have a look. As soon as I had the chance, I approached and saw that they were women's shoes, very beautiful and new. I almost immediately started to try them on, but none of them were my size, and that bothered me a little bit-.

From the same house from where the lady came out, I saw a woman come out, she was wearing a big hat. The elegant way she was dressed caught my attention. On her right side was a little girl, and the two of them got into a car that was waiting for them outside- Sophia turns and looks at her therapist, turns again and continues.

I noticed that the woman's look was very sad. They got into the car, and the same lady who took out the shoes, came out with two suitcases, which she put in the trunk of the car. And as if it were a movie, the car began to move forward very slowly. The lady waved her arm in farewell, but the woman inside didn't even flinch to reciprocate- Sophia wipes a tear that escapes from her eye.

Poor woman- she mused.

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Después de un breve silencio, Sophia se acomoda mejor y continúa.

Me acerqué a la señora, y le pregunté qué había sucedido con aquella mujer. Y ella me explica-.

Su marido fue asesinado por su amante. Al parecer las cosas entre él y la señora estaban mejorando, tanto así, que se iban de viaje de reconciliación. Pero, la amante al enterarse de esto enloqueció, y lo atacó sin piedad en el estacionamiento de su oficina- escucha absorta lo que relata aquella mujer.

La señora Amanda decidió marcharse con su hija. Fue una noticia muy devastadora para ella. Dejó todo en manos de los investigadores. Ellos le recomendaron que no abandonara la ciudad, pero ella por no exponer a la niña a tanto dolor, prefirió irse. Pobre-. Sophia siente el dolor en las palabras de aquella mujer.

Todo lo que está en la casa lo está regalando. No quiere nada. Por eso saqué las cajas con zapatos. Si quiere pase adelante, a ver si encuentra algo que le guste, o le sea de utilidad. Venga- insistió la señora mientras caminaba rumbo a aquella casa.

Cuando entré todo estaba separado. Los zapatos organizados en una parte, los vestidos en otra, la joyería. La casa por dentro parecía una tienda por departamento-.

Tome todo cuanto pueda llevarse-.

After a brief silence, Sophia settles in better and continues.

I approached the lady, and asked her what had happened to that woman. And she explained to me.-

Her husband was murdered by his mistress. Apparently things between him and his wife were getting better, so much so that they were going on a reconciliation trip. But, when the mistress found out about this, she went mad and attacked him mercilessly in the parking lot of his office- listen to the woman's story with rapt attention.

Mrs. Amanda decided to leave with her daughter. It was very devastating news for her. She left everything in the hands of the investigators. They recommended her not to leave the city, but she did not want to expose her daughter to so much pain, so she preferred to leave. Poor-. Sophia feels the pain in the words of that woman.

Everything in the house he is giving away. She doesn't want anything. That's why I took out the boxes with shoes. If you want to go ahead, let's see if you can find something you like, or if it will be useful to you. Come on- insisted the lady as she walked towards the house.

When I walked in, everything was separated. The shoes organized in one part, the dresses in another, the jewelry. The inside of the house looked like a department store-.

Take as much as you can carry away-.

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La ropa era de marca, demasiado hermosa y en perfecto estado. Parecía que nunca la hubiesen usado. Yo comencé a pasearme por el lugar mientras veía maravillada todo aquello. Me detuve por un instante y vi a la señora preparando café en una cocina que era casi del tamaño de mi pequeño departamento. Me acerqué y le pregunté qué había pasado exactamente con el esposo de la señora de la casa-.

Cuando revisaron las cámaras de seguridad mencionaron que fue asesinado con un cuchillo. La mujer, no se sabe quién es, su rostro no se distingue muy bien, Pero continúa la investigación-. respondió.

Luego de escuchar aquello, preferí salir de ahí y no llevarme nada- suspira y su mirada se pierde en la nada.

Luego sonó mi despertador. Ese fue todo mi sueño-.

The clothes were brand name, too beautiful and in perfect condition. They looked as if they had never been worn. I started to walk around the place as I looked at it all in awe. I stopped for a moment and saw the lady preparing coffee in a kitchen that was almost the size of my small apartment. I approached her and asked her what exactly had happened to the husband of the lady of the house-.

When they checked the security cameras they mentioned that he was killed with a knife. The woman, it is not known who she is, her face is not very well distinguishable, But the investigation continues-. he replied.

After hearing that, I preferred to get out of there and take nothing with me- she sighs and his gaze wanders off into nothingness.

Then my alarm clock went off. That was all my dream-.

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Del otro lado del consultorio, está el terapeuta con el teléfono en sus manos. Lo ha ocultado entre el cuaderno donde ha estado tomando notas durante la intervención de Sophia. El mensaje de whastsapp que él ha escrito, dice:

Diagnóstico: Síndrome de Deficiencia Severa de Memoria, motivado a un trauma por abandono de padres. No tiene memoria autobiográfica. No distingue la realidad de la fantasía. Creo que tengo a la asesina del empresario.

El dedo pulgar del médico está sobre el botón verde de enviar. Mientras fija su mirada entre, el mango de un cuchillo ensangrentado que se asoma en el bolso que Sophia dejó sobre su escritorio, y en un cuadro colgado en la pared, en el que cita:

Juro que, si en mi práctica profesional, o fuera de ella, viviese u oyese, con respecto a la vida del otro, algo que jamás deba ser revelado, callaré respetando el secreto profesional.

On the other side of the office, there is the therapist with the phone in his hands. He has hidden it in the notebook where he has been taking notes during Sophia's intervention. The whastsapp message he has written, he says:

Diagnosis: Severe Memory Deficiency Syndrome, caused by trauma due to parental abandonment. She has no autobiographical memory. Does not distinguish reality from fantasy. I think I have the businessman's murderer.

The doctor's thumb is on the green send button. As he fixes his gaze between, the handle of a bloody knife peeking out of the bag Sophia left on his desk, and a picture hanging on the wall, in which he quotes:

I swear that, if in my professional practice, or outside of it, I live or hear, with respect to the life of another, something that should never be revealed, I will keep silent, respecting professional secrecy.

Image source here

¿Qué hubieses hechos tú?

Déjame saberlo en los comentarios.

What would you have done?

Let me know in the comments.

Gracias por leerme.

Thank you for reading me.

✔️ Traducción con ayuda de Deepl.

✔️ Translation with the help of Deepl.


Damn it. This is kinda between the devil and the deep blue sea. Ethics demand that he keeps silent while morals demand that he reveals the murderer. If he's later found out to be hoarding information about the murderer, he might be charged for obstructing justice, I don't know if the oath of ethics would be enough to vindicate him.

Too much, right?

He is between a rock and a hard place.

Let's hope he does the right thing in the end. But the question would be, the right thing for whom?

Thanks for reading me. Regards ;)

It was a pleasure. AN enjoyable read

It was a pleasure. AN enjoyable read

Greetings, @mayellig, You write a form of police intrigue that remains unresolved despite the therapist having figured out the killer, apparently more because of the bloody knife than the dream, which seems to reveal otherwise.

Thanks for posting on @theinkwell

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Hi @mayellig, Interesting motives for your story. As a reader I would like to know what brought this patient to the therapist. In the dream the patient refuses to receive any goods that don't belong to her and in the consulting room she carries a bloody knife... I was curious about this character.
Keep writing!

She was attending therapy for her past traumas.

But she had a kind of splitting of reality. Her therapist hesitated when she saw that bloody knife in her purse. Evidently she wasn't telling a dream, but that's how she perceived the facts.

Let's hope that in the end the best decision will be made. Only we will be left with the question of the best decision for whom?

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your comment ;)

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