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RE: The Great Awakening (Finish The Story Contest, Week 69)

in The Ink Well4 years ago

Have you seen the kids TV show "Veggie Tales"--?

No, I was mentally scarred by my ex's kids and their obsession with Frozen 😂 No longer do I have to endure the caterwauling of kids TV theme tunes... tho I do miss those little munchkins if I'm honest.

The day a coronal mass ejection or NEO (near-earth object) takes down the power grid, I will briefly rejoice at the death of computers, then weep and gnash my teeth at the loss of contact with people like you.

🤣 ah this made me laugh. I could also live without phones, computers and internet I think. life would be simpler, and possibly more healthy tbh



#Frozen sounds like some parent's sick revenge on other parents, but #BabyShark is like the PsyOps torture experiments with Barney the Dinosaur's theme song playing to Taliban prisoners. Veggie Tales is sooo mild and bearable by comparison.

If you like to talk to tomatoes,
If a squash can make you smile,
If you like to waltz with potatoes,
Up and down the produce aisle...
Have we got a show for you!
Veggie Tales! Veggie Tales!
Veggie Tales! Veggie Tales!
Veggie Tales! Veggie Tales!
Veggie Tales! Veggie Tales!
Broccoli, celery, gotta be Veggie Tales,

Lyrics found here

Ah, thank you for the little hashtag - {{hugs to you!]] - #carolkeanrulestoo