Fiction: Eclipse (Eclipse) [EN/ES]

in The Ink Well5 days ago (edited)

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The Ayuac tribe thrived in fertile mountains where the trees towered above the firmament, the birds' song intoxicated the ears, and the mist seemed to caress the blustery peaks in the early mornings.

“Ichec, look what I found in the jungle.” Añuc was showing his wife mysterious grains.

“I've never seen anything like it before, they're like cherries, but they're hard. I like that bright red they have.” Ichec took the grains in his hands and looked at them with fascination.

“Maybe the wise man of the tribe knows what they are. Let's show him these grains.” Añuc took his beautiful cinnamon-colored wife with straight hair as black as night by the hand.

They arrived at the old wise man's tent. The man was sitting in a state of meditation. Hair as white as snow fell over his face, covering his features and wrinkles that showed the passing of the decades.

“You can go on. You don't need to stay there.” The wise old man was returning from his astral journey.

“Excuse me, wise man, it's just that we want to show you these mysterious red grains.” Añuc opened his hand and would let them see.

“Stay away from those grains of evil.” The sage stepped back, stretching out his arms.

“Excuse me, sage. We didn't know what those grains were.” Ichec covered his face with his hands.

“You are not to blame. You do not know of the history of our ancestors.” The sage searched through the sacred writings for one in particular.

His fingers, as slender as hooks, picked up a papyrus. He placed it on a cedar table rustically assembled and as old as the sage himself. He spread the yellowish papyrus, and some symbols appeared before his eyes. Ichec and Añuc did not understand them. The sage ran his hands over the printed symbols, and then his purple mouth with many wrinkles moved, but the sound was inaudible.

He then addressed the couple. “Sons, here it is written. The grains you hold in your hand are the forbidden fruits. Our ancestors say grains became a wonderful drink that made people happy.” The wise man sighed and continued his story while his fingers ran over the symbols. “At that time, people drank the drink they called the dark elixir. The wise man of that time shared the ancient recipe. The drink had the power to give energy and make one lose inhibitions. The tribe became corrupted and fell into an addiction that was difficult to overcome. Adults and young people fell deeper and deeper into disgrace. The tribe indulged in their perversions, but the gods saw this and decided to act, so they sent the god of darkness, Añoric, who stretched out his hands towards the sun and made it dark. They called it the Great Eclipse. For several years, darkness reigned on earth while sinners begged for forgiveness with tears of blood. The gods saw this and ordered the surviving villagers to banish those accursed grains from the tribe and forget their existence.”

“That's a terrible, wise man. We must eliminate these grains so gods do not get angry.” Añuc took the grains, and when he came out, the wise man shouted to him, “Moment, Añuc. Burn the grains so that no one finds them again. Go and find as many grains as you can to destroy them.”

Añuc nodded and ran towards the jungle while the wise man and Ichec gathered the entire tribe to offer the sacrifice to the gods. After a few hours, Añuc returned with several baskets of red grains. The wise man ordered to light the bonfire, and while the fire burned violently, the young men of the tribe began to throw the red grains to the bonfire.

The smoke began to get thicker, and the smell penetrated each nostril. That aroma was intoxicating and excited the sense of smell of those who witnessed the sacrifice. The people of the tribe gave themselves over to pleasure.

They danced around the bonfire drunk on the aroma, and the wise man shouted, “Fools, the gods will be angry and punish us.”

Añuc raised his arms, “People, let's return to sanity. We must resist this demon.”

The people shouted and continued to dance, enraptured by the seductive aroma. At that instant, the sky shook, and lightning struck violently. It seemed as if the earth was splitting in two. Terrified people ran from one side to the other. Añuc took his wife by the hand, and together with the sage, they went into the forest.

From the sky, a voice sounded thunderously. It was Añoric, the god of darkness. The sinners had angered the gods again and were going to eliminate them from the face of the earth for being weak.

Añoric raised his arm, and stones wrapped in flames fell from the sky. Ichec, Añuc, and the sage ran through the forest to escape the apocalypse. The fire began to devour the trees, and the infernal heat took over the area. The three survivors ran as fast as their strength allowed them. The panting from the effort became more and more continuous. The fire was about to reach them, and the wise man stayed behind as the couple walked away.

“Wise man, wise man, keep running!" Añuc shouted.

“There is no time. Run away.”

Añuc looked back at the sage, who raised his arms. An invisible wall formed containing the ravenous fire, giving the pair time to escape. They reached a waterfall and had no choice but to jump. They threw themselves into the void while the sage lowered his arms, and the fire passed them.

Ichec and Añuc came out of the river, and from a safe place, they watched how the fire had consumed everything. The woman shed a few tears, and the man embraced her, and then they moved on, leaving that tragic episode behind them.

Centuries later...

“Commander Gonzalez, we have found coffee in these desolate lands.” A soldier in shining armor showed the red beans.

“How marvelous!” Commander Gonzalez opened his eyes to the maximum of their sockets. “These grains are more beautiful than those seen in Europe. At once, soldier, prepare me a good cup of coffee.”

At that instant, darkness bathed the skies. The Spanish soldiers pointed to the sky. “An eclipse. The bad omen is approaching.”

The end




Los Ayuac era una tribu que había prosperado en una tierra de fértiles montañas donde los árboles se alzaban imponentes sobre el firmamento, los pájaros con su canto embriagaban los oídos, y la niebla parecía acariciar las cumbres borrascosas en las madrugadas.

«Ichec, mira lo que encontré en la selva». Añuc mostraba unos granos misteriosos a su esposa.

«Nunca había visto algo parecido, son como cerezas, pero son duras. Me gusta mucho ese rojo vivo que tienen». Ichec tomaba los granos en sus manos y los miraba con fascinación.

«Tal vez el sabio de la tribu sabe lo que son, Vamos a mostrarle estos granos». Añuc tomaba a su bella esposa de color canela y pelo lacio tan negro como la noche, de la mano.

Llegaron a la tienda del viejo sabio. El hombre estaba sentando en estado de meditación. El pelo tan blanco como la nieve le caía sobre el rostro, tapando sus rasgos y arrugas que mostraban el paso de las décadas.

«Pueden seguir, no es necesario que se queden ahí». El anciano sabio regresaba de su viaje astral.

«Disculpe, sabio, es que queremos mostrarle estos misteriosos granos rojos». Añuc abría la mano y los dejaba ver.

«Aléjense con esos granos del mal». El sabio retrocedía estirando los brazos.

«Disculpe, sabio. No sabíamos lo que eran. Ese bonito color rojo nos maravilló». Ichec se tomaba el rostro.

«Ustedes no tienen la culpa. No conocen de la historia de nuestros antepasados». El sabio buscaba de entre los escritos sagrados uno en especial.

Sus dedos delgados como garfios tomaban un papiro. Lo ponía sobre una mesa de cedro rústicamente armada y tan vieja como el sabio mismo. Extendía el amarillento papiro y unos símbolos que no comprendían Ichec y Añuc se develaron ante sus ojos. El sabio recorría con sus manos los símbolos impresos, luego su boca morada y con muchas arrugas se movía, pero el sonido era inaudible.

Luego se dirigió a la pareja. «Hijos, aquí está escrito. Los granos que tienen en la mano son los frutos prohibidos. Nuestros antepasados cuentan que estos granos se convirtieron en una bebida maravillosa, que alegraba a la gente». El sabio lanzó un suspiro y seguía con su historia mientras los dedos se paseaban por los símbolos. «En aquella época, las personas tomaban la bebida que llamaron el elixir oscuro. La receta milenaria fue compartida por el sabio de aquel entonces, esa bebida tenía el poder de dar energía y hacer que la gente pierda las inhibiciones. La tribu se corrompió y cayó en aquella adicción que era difícil de superar. Adultos y jóvenes caían en desgracia, cada vez más profundo. La tribu se entregó en sus perversiones, pero los dioses vieron esto y decidieron actuar, así que enviaron al dios de la oscuridad Añoric, quien extendió sus manos hacia el sol e hizo que este se hiciera oscuro, el gran eclipse fue llamado. Durante varios años la oscuridad reinó en la tierra, mientras los pecadores pedían perdón con lágrimas de sangre. Los dioses vieron esto y ordenaron a los pobladores supervivientes desterrar aquellos malditos granos de la tribu y olvidar su existencia».

«Eso es terrible, sabio. Debemos deshacernos de estos granos para no enfadar a los dioses». Añuc tomaba lo granos y mientras iba saliendo el sabio le gritó. «Momento, Añuc. Los granos deben quemarse para que nadie los vuelva a encontrar. Ve y busca todos granos que puedas para destruirlos».

Añuc asentía y salía corriendo hacia la selva, mientras el sabio junto con Ichec reunía a toda la tribu, para ofrecer el sacrificio a los dioses. Luego de unas horas, Añuc volvía con varios canastos de granos rojos. El sabio ordenaba encender la hoguera, mientras el fuego ardía violentamente, los hombres jóvenes de la tribu empezaban a tirar los granos rojos a la hoguera.

El humo empezó a hacerse más espeso y el olor penetraba en cada fosa nasal, ese aroma era embriagador y excitaba el olfato de los que presenciaban el sacrificio. La gente de la tribu como hechizados empezaron a aspirar el humo, y se dejaron dominar por el placer.

Bailaban alrededor de la fogata embriagados por el aroma, y el sabio al ver esto gritó, «Insensatos, los dioses se enfadarán y nos castigarán».

Añuc levantaba los brazos, «Gente, retomemos la cordura. Debemos resistir a este demonio».

La gente gritaba y seguía bailando extasiados por el aroma seductor. En ese instante, el cielo tembló y los rayos caían violentamente, parecía que la tierra se partía en dos. La gente aterrorizada corría de un lado a otro. Añuc tomó de la mano a su esposa y junto con el sabio se internaron en el bosque.

Desde el cielo una voz sonó estruendosamente, era Añoric el dios de la oscuridad, pecadores nuevamente han enfadado a los dioses, ahora serán exterminados por su debilidad, son seres impíos, y las manchas deben borrarse de la faz de la tierra.

Añoric levantó su brazo y desde el cielo cayeron piedras envueltas en llamas. Ichec, Añuc y el sabio corrían por el bosque tratando de escapar del apocalipsis. El fuego empezaba a devorar los árboles y el calor infernal se apoderó de la zona. Los tres supervivientes corrían a lo que sus fuerzas les permitían. Los jadeos por el esfuerzo se hacían más y más continuos. Parecía que el fuego los alcanzaba y el sabio al ver esto se quedó atrás.

«!Sabio, sabio, siga corriendo¡». Añuc gritaba.

«No hay tiempo, escapen ustedes».

Añuc miró hacia atrás al sabio que levantó los brazos y una pared invisible se formó conteniendo el voraz fuego, dando tiempo a la pareja para escapar. Llegaron hasta una cascada y no le quedó otra alternativa que saltar, se arrojaron al vacío, mientras el sabio bajaba los brazos y el fuego pasaba de largo.

Ichec y añuc salían del río y desde un lugar seguro miraban como el fuego había consumido todo. La mujer soltó unas lágrimas y el hombre la abrazó, luego siguieron hacia adelante dejando atrás aquel episodio trágico.

Siglos después…

«Comandante González, hemos encontrado café en estas tierras desoladas». Un soldado con armadura brillante, mostraba los granos rojos.

«¡Qué maravilla!». El comandante González abría los ojos al máximo de sus cuencas. «Estos Granos son más hermosos que los que se ven en Europa. De inmediato soldado, prepáreme una buena taza de café».

En ese instante, la oscuridad baño los cielos. Los soldados españoles apuntaban al cielo. «Un eclipse. El mal augurio se aproxima».



Source 1
Source 2
Source 3

Edited by Rincón Poético

The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL

Original content


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Your story is excellent. Have a happy night

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

Excellent day.

This makes me to remember my experience when growing up. I so much get obsessed with eclipse but the issue is even till now, I have not witnessed one

I hope you can appreciate an eclipse, I have witnessed two in my long life. Haha.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment.

Good day.

Woah, your story is very interesting.
I loved how you could mix the intoxicating effects of coffee with mystery and fantasy

Woah, your story is very interesting.
I loved how you could mix the intoxicating effects of coffee with mystery and fantasy

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment. That was the detail I wanted to add to the story. An excellent reader.

Excellent day.

You are welcome.
A pleasure here

The story is super fascinating and captivating. I have always liked ancestral stories and even more when they are loaded with mystery in the face of the unknown as you have managed to create in Eclipse.

What a beautiful comment you have given us regarding history. Thank you very much for these kind words. They really fill us with joy.

Happy day.

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A new achievement that makes me very happy and encourages us to continue achieving more goals.

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The natives of the island destroy themselves by indulging in the forbidden grains. I think the island is cursed as Spanish soldiers that later come to the island have the same experience. This because coffee is a nourishing, delightful, innocent food. No need for such devastations when it's consumed. Excellent story, thanks for writing.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment. Apparently that earthly paradise had its terrible mystery hidden.

Coffee is wonderful and offers many benefits for both the body and the emotional level.

Good Tuesday.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your valuable support.

A hug.

A wonderfully conceived story @rinconpoetico7. I loved the way you weaved the prompts together. Magical addictive intoxicating berries indeed 😂 I was invested in the story from the outset! Be careful to proofread and edit. You have some incorrect gender descriptions in your translation which you should aim to correct going forward and you include two versions of the same sentence in your English translation viz:

The sinners had angered the gods again and were going to exterminate them for their weakness. The sinners had angered the gods again and were going to eliminate them from the face of the earth for being weak.

We want our writers to pay keen attention to these kind of details ;-) Had you edited out this latter duplication, your story would have earned it's place as one of the best submissions of the day. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Thank you for always bringing us interesting stories to enjoy, and for supporting other members of the community.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your valuable comment. The truth is that I had missed that little detail. I will edit it.

I'm so glad you liked the story. I really enjoyed writing it and letting my imagination run wild.

A hug!

Intoxication indeed, haha... the gods were not playing at all. This was an interesting read.
Well done.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment. The dark elixir is very intoxicating, that's why the gods didn't like it. Haha.

Excellent day.

You are welcome. Haha. The gods of anger. Well done.


A fascinating story. I really liked how you combined the coffee with the eclipse. You characterized the environment very well and the ending was amazing.
Greetings @rinconpoetico7 and thank you very much for sharing your story.

This really captivated me until the end. You really do have a creative mind. Beautiful write up.well done