in The Ink Well5 years ago


Help me for I am suffocating
This space is getting smaller
I want to reach out.
Familiar voices getting closer.
Lead me on

The beams are blinding,
I'm Sniffing air so thin.
Teach me how to breath,
Explain these lights in my eyesight.
Lead me on.

My lips are parted,
Your words fail me.
My wails amuse you,
You laugh at my language.
Lead me on.


Hello @spirall,how are you doing with building your network in The Ink Well community? Have you visited any of the the posts by other writers and left a vote and a comment for them? It's the fastest way to build your audience :)

Honestly, I haven't but now that you've mentioned it I'll get right at it. Thank you for the tip.

Nice one Spirall....hidden thoughts of the little one...

Bro... Its amazing you know, wondering what they think when they gazing at you, opening up their mouths to talk but well... We don't understand them.

Babies are such a fascination.