The toast that saved a life.

"No knowledge is a waste, you never know when what you know will come in handy, as a doctor you must understand the power of observation in patient care" the professor said as he showed his last slide. He had just taken the class on a lecture about hemiparesis, it was a boring class for Victor, obviously because it's like the twentieth time he's having a lecture on cerebrovascular accident.


"I'm never going to be a neurologist, I hate dealing with geriatric patients, most of those patients can't even communicate what is wrong with them, worst is that even after proper diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis is still very poor" Victor said to Aisha as they walked down to the accident and emergency department of the hospital.

"But you're a doctor, you just need to get the patients history and with proper investigations you should be able to have a working diagnosis, moreover the prognosis shouldn't be your worry, rather focus on doing what is right for the patient" Aisha replied.

Aisha and Victor have been very good friends since day one of medical school, most people believe that medical school is all about intelligence and hard work, but for these two, it's been a mix of luck, right association, reading the right materials and just getting the right past questions for the right exam.
Maybe right now everything seem to be right in their lives, especially their academics, it wasn't always so.

Their friendship has really stood the test of time. There were times when Victor had failed his professional exams, the penalties which has always been so bad.
And even though Aisha did not fail, they have always gone through those emotional moments of grief and sadness. She has always been his backbone when he was weak and needed support or encouragement.

"Victor the victorious" as he's fondly called by his classmates, being a very masculine figure among the guys in his class was always very protective around Aisha, he plays his manly role so well like no other person, and she liked him for that.
Maybe the word "Like" would do the job of describing their relationship but although unannounced, everyone could see that they are obviously in Love.

Conscious efforts in trying to maintain the cordial relationship that started by just trying to be the best friend they could possibly be, could be the only explanation as to why they still give out the same amount of energy they still had towards each other from first year of medical school.

It's six years gone already and in few months time they'll both probably be doctors, that's if they succeed in the final exams.

"I hope you don't become a neurologist some day" Aisha said as she looked gently at him with her eyes half closed amidst inaudible bouts of laughter and smile, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders.

Back at home, Victor's Dad had suffered from resistant hypertension that has been very difficult to control for a long time, all family hopes has been on Victor becoming a doctor and possibly, a cardiologist, so he would be able to fully manage and treat his dad's hypertension.

It's graduation day, both Aisha and Victor were dressed gorgeously, looking elegant in their ward-coats, underneath which was a black suit. They were waiting to take the hypocritical oath; it seemed like the happiest day of their life, a day which they and their families have long waited for.
Only Victor's elder sister was present as his Dad could not make it due to his debilitating health condition which resulted to his mum staying back just to take care of him.

Food, drinks, music, singing, and laughter amidst tears, hugs and flashes from camera lights were the hallmark of the occasion.

Victor stayed two days trying to round up his clearance in school before going home to his family.
On getting home, he had another celebration with other extended family members who were present to welcome the first medical doctor in their family history.

His great uncle, elder brother to his Dad, made it a duty to chairman the occasion on behalf of Victor's father who though was present, couldn't do much because of his health condition.
"Toast to doctor Victor on achievement of this great feat as the first medical doctor in our family.." just before he could finish his announcement, Victor walked closer to his Dad as he noticed that his hands were trembling while trying to raise the glass of wine without any success.
Are you okay dad? Victor asked, looking closely as he observed a sudden left shift of his father's facial features including the absence of forehead wrinkles on his left face — these were signs of stroke(left hemiparesis).
As his father tried to speak, Victor observed a right shift of his father's mouth, a sudden slur in his speech, and saliva drooling from the left corner of his mouth. He confirmed his diagnosis when his father fell down towards the left side on attempting to stand.

"Dad has a partial stroke, call 911". Victor frantically screamed.

Later that day, after he was taken to the nearest medical centre by an ambulance, his Father regained consciousness and became stable. Victor Called Aisha on the phone and immediately said, "the professor was right, no knowledge is a waste, and observation is key in patient care."
"That's true" Aisha replied.

"Guess what!!" Victor asked.
"What?" Aisha replied.
"I'm going to be a neurologist" Victor said.
We'll talk about this" Aisha replied amidst bouts of laughter.


No knowledge is truly a waste and the things we know can't be taken away from us. If Victor hadn't paid attention during lecture, he wouldn't have understood what was happening to his dad and his happy day might have gone sour.

Exactly! In life, we should never neglect any opportunity we have to learn new things, even when we feel it's not so important or doesn't apply to us.
Thanks for reading.

Woah, that was indeed a close call. Thank God he was able to observe and know what was happening to his dad.

Nice story 👍

Indeed it was a difficult situation that would have slipped out of his hand if he hasn't been very observant. Thank you for reading.

"I'm never going to be a neurologist

In life, never say never☺️
The various twists and turns of life would keep changing our decisions.
It was a good thing that he paid attention in those classes despite the boring nature, the knowledge proved vital in saving his dad.

Great story with an important lesson. Kudos👍

We don't know what tomorrow holds for us, so we should not always rush into conclusion by just considering the present challenges or victories, the table can always turn either ways.
I appreciate your comment.

What would have happened to Victor's dad if he wasn't there? It could have been a whole different story and Victor might never forgive himself.

He made the right choice embarrassing the professional he almost ditched before his father's scenario happened. Every knowledge we acquire in life will definitely be of great importance someday unexpectedly.

Thanks for reading through. I appreciate your comment.Well said @george-dee, no knowledge is a waste, what we know today will somehow save us tomorrow, Victor's case is just one example of the many areas this applies to in our lives and affairs.

The knowledge of medicine saved victors Dad. It's a great feeling knowing you were able to save a life. No knowledge is a waste indeed.

Victor saying he was going to become a neurologist was quite funny. Never say never though. Nice educative piece💯✨

Exactly! We never know what tomorrow would turn into, so better to just give our best to what we have currently in our hands.
Thank you for reading.

Hello @stevewealth

Welcome to The Ink Well. Now that you're here, please have a look around and get to know how our community works. We are all about quality stories and engagement!

You can find our community rules at the top of The Ink Well home page. We ask everyone who posts in The Ink Well to read and comment on at least two other writers' work in the community for every story published.

And be sure to visit the resources available in our catalog of fiction writing tips.

The story you offer today has many strengths. It has a well-developed arc. It begins with Victor dismissing the importance of a professor's lecture and it ends with his understanding that importance. You give your character motivation--he wants to help his father. And you give his personality depth by having him engage with Aisha. Your medical expertise helps to make the story interesting.

We do note a few minor errors. One is your use of the word hypocritical when you likely intended to write Hippocratic.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. We look forward to reading more from you.

Thank you so much @theinkwell. I really appreciate your comment and positive response.

I have read some of the community rules and I also read and commented on the post of other writers(about four) before making my post, I did state it in the comment where I submitted the link to my prompt entry. Thanks for the corrections as well.

I appreciate your efforts towards the growth of the community.