Hello @stevewealth
Welcome to The Ink Well. Now that you're here, please have a look around and get to know how our community works. We are all about quality stories and engagement!
You can find our community rules at the top of The Ink Well home page. We ask everyone who posts in The Ink Well to read and comment on at least two other writers' work in the community for every story published.
And be sure to visit the resources available in our catalog of fiction writing tips.
The story you offer today has many strengths. It has a well-developed arc. It begins with Victor dismissing the importance of a professor's lecture and it ends with his understanding that importance. You give your character motivation--he wants to help his father. And you give his personality depth by having him engage with Aisha. Your medical expertise helps to make the story interesting.
We do note a few minor errors. One is your use of the word hypocritical when you likely intended to write Hippocratic.
Thank you for sharing this story with us. We look forward to reading more from you.
Thank you so much @theinkwell. I really appreciate your comment and positive response.
I have read some of the community rules and I also read and commented on the post of other writers(about four) before making my post, I did state it in the comment where I submitted the link to my prompt entry. Thanks for the corrections as well.
I appreciate your efforts towards the growth of the community.