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RE: Fiction: That dark animal of sleep/ Ese oscuro animal del sueño (ENG/ ESP)

in The Ink Well2 months ago

I have done this for this story...We in the Silver Bloggers community have had some AI recently with deepl translations into English from Spanish. We used to check the original Spanish text.


Which came up with 0% AI. Some translators really put far too many commas into an English translation which can set off alarm bells.
Hope this helps as @nancybriti1 is one our respected members at Silver Bloggers.


Thank you very much for providing this tool and for your words of support, @tengolotodo. Hugs

You are welcome Nancy. AI is a tricky subjective and making sure it stays off our blockchain is the responsibility of everyone.

hello @tengolotodo Thank you for providing some insights and support to us and @nancybriti1. 🙂 We appreciate it when other members of the community share their experience and wisdom. You are both respected writers here in The Ink Well.

We do need to ask the question of any writer though, whose individual submissions breach the AI thresholds set within our community. It does not mean that they have used AI to generate their post from scratch. They could unknowingly be including AI during the editing process and this is an area where we seek to guide writers and encourage them to improve their writing more organically. We ask all of our writers to stick to Grammarly or Google Docs for editing and then refrain from using their more advanced features.

In this case, the original Spanish version flagged at 50% in our detection software and in all situations like this, we are obliged to ask the question to clarify whether the writer has inadvertently benefited from AI or whether it is simply that their submission may lack some of the signs of human writing, (viz: emotion, balance, development, the ratio of narrative to action and dialogue), or whether a false positive has been registered by the software.

I appreciate the need to further investigate all threshold breaches. It is a tricky situation especially when you throw in a number of languages into the mix.
Am just glad it has been resolved.