To the readers: Do not hesitate to indicate spelling and/or style mistakes.

Ren du Lot was becoming rich. His Zizi Gougou campaign was working very well. Every day, fools were sending him BTCs to buy his fake device.
He had been careful. He had posted from a computer in the local library, using Tor, at a time when there were other people using the other computers.
He had paid for the advertising campaign with a credit card belonging to his accountant.
So, he was sure that he could not be caught.
he started to received orders two days after the start of the campaign. Initially, it was one or two orders a day. After one week, it was 100 orders per day. And now, after 3 weeks, it was 3,000 orders per day.
Every night, wearing a wig, glasses, and a fake beard, he was going to see a man named Wolfgang Rastapopoulos, a crypto fence in a remote part of the town.
He would exchange anonymously all the BTCs in his wallet for cash, at 50% the price as displayed on
Every Friday night, he went to a different casino in the nearby cities to recycle his cash.
He now had accumulated several hundred of cruzeiretas, the local money. He also had thousands of Euros.
Ren du Lot was becoming rich.
Read the Next Episode
Ren du Lot, the shit lawyer, a serial shitposting fiction inspired by Torundel the Shitposter! by @katharsisdrill.
Rules are:
211 words - Starting with the words "Ren du Lot" - First and last sentence are identical.
As I am not a native English speaker please inform me if something is misspelled, wrong, or just horrendous English, and I will see if I can fix it.
grammarly said that the tone is formal and informative.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X

I was 22 years old and I had hair!
Ren is getting crafty. I think you have to be a bit devious to be a lawyer anyway, but this seems to be more his thing. I thought it was supposed to be hard to part anyone from their Bitcoin as they just hold it forever in hope of future riches. I prefer to actually spend what I make. I would hope I wouldn't buy his crap gadget though.
He's got himself all set up very nicely! Rastapopoulos is doing very nicely too. hm...
Uuummm. What is it sir .. Is it a good thing or a bad thing .. I don't really know about blockchain, because I just joined hive 3 days ago ..
If you only reblog posts from other Hivians, you will not go very far on this platform.
So what should I do, sir ...
merci pour le paiement bonne journée