Personality Swap.

in The Ink Well8 months ago

The more I study about children psychology, the deeper I understand the events that occured when I was way younger.

We were a powerful trio–myself, Vera and Titi. We went everywhere together and enjoyed each other's company very much. One could say that we were inseparable.


My mom never really liked the idea of me spending every single second of my day with Titi and Vera but she allowed me anyway. Immediately after we got back from school(we all went to the same school at the time), we would freshen up, have lunch, take a quick nap and once one person was awake, the rest would be too.

After our afternoon naps, we would play all sorts of games; hide and seek, cooking with sand, painting our nails with shiny tails, name it. Once we got exhausted, we ended our play session to continue the next day. It seemed like so much fun at the time as we usually rotated play locations. From Monday to Wednesday, we converged at Titi's house, Thursdays and Fridays were at Vera's and the rest of the days were at my house.

One heartbreaking moment for us was when Titi was withdrawn from our school because her parents felt she wasn't excelling academically. She was taken to another high standard school and that was when the crack was made on the walls of our friendship.

Titi changed drastically. She didn't see us as equals anymore and she barely came for our play sessions. On the other hand, she started getting lots of fancy and alluring properties. Whenever we asked her where she got the money from to get all those items, she would say that her uncle or her aunt gave it to her. Personally, I became suspicious because she always hid these items from her parents. We–her supposed friends– were the only ones who saw them and she made us promise to keep our mouths shut. Which we did.

On a faithful Tuesday during one of our play dates at Titi's, I and vera went into hiding at different spots and Titi was to find us. I remember cringing in fear when Titi came into the space where I was hiding. I tried controlling my breathing just so I didn't give her a clue as to where I was but something interesting happened.

Apparently, Titi walked up to her mom's purse which was lying unguarded, took out some money and hid in her jean skirt. I quietly watched as she did this and it all made sense. She picked money from her mom's purse, bought the fancy things and hid them from her parents just so they wouldn't suspect her. But this was just a suspicion, I wanted to hear what she had to say so I sneaked up on her.

“You caught me,” I said, as I waved my hands in surrender.

She was startled to see me there, “Wongi,” she managed to say.

“So, would you tell me what is going on or I should report you to your parents?” I asked, giving her options.

“Please don't report me to my parents. I will tell you everything.” She pleaded in fear. Titi's parents were quite the disciplinarians and they certainly wouldn't have spared her if they found out.

“Okay then, I'm listening”. I was quite a good listener, nodding at all the right places.


“ All the children in my new school usually get whatever they request from their parents. I always feel left out when I see them holding all these fancy things in class. I asked my parents if they could get them for me too but they always said no, so I decided to…”

“Start stealing” I completed her sentence for her.

“Yes, but I've done it only a few times”.

Titi's confession was like music to my ears. I was glad that she trusted me enough to tell me the reason behind her new act because the Titi I knew from way back would never do such a thing.

“Fine, I would not tell your parents but you need to stop doing it because you doing it only a few times doesn't justify anything.”

“I will. I will” she said in the spur of the moment and I believed her.

“If you continue, I will not be your friend again. Have you heard me?”

“Yes, I have heard.” she respoy in assertion.

The hide and seek game continued but there was a whole different vibe to it as I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I just saw my friend steal when we always sang ‘’I will never steal from my mommy's purse or tell lies to daddy”

I went home that day, hoping Titi would change but it turns out that some people do not embrace change until it's too late. She kept at it and slowly, I withdrew from the friendship. I know I was a kid but I also knew the difference between good and bad and Titi 2.0 was definitely bad company.

Whenever Vera or any other person asked why I wasn't so close to Titi anymore, I made up some excuse to try covering up as I didn't want to be the one who exposed her. That is how I and Titi moved from being inseparable to being distant friends who said hello to each other once in a while. On the other hand, Vera and I grew even closer.

From my observations, she was eventually caught by her parents and somehow reprimanded because she wasn't walking around with all the alluring things any more. I'm Glad they caught her young because who knows what would happen if she grew up with it.


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The temptations of stealing just to meet up with others are usually on the high side but then when formed as a habit it is extremely hard to stop. You tried your best to correct her but she was adamant.

She was really one adamant young girl.


jeclyn60, wongi sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

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It was the right thing to do, keeping your distance. If I had a friend who steals and later gets caught, my parents would definitely start an investigation on me😂😂.

Exactly. They would suspect that you support it and may have also been a part of it.


menace123, wongi sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

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It's really sad when you learn that a friend is doing something terrible. And it's so hard to know what to do! You decision to promise not to tell, but also make her promise to stop was the perfect answer. Too bad it didn't work!

A few tips for you. One is that "faithful" should actually be "fateful" in this instance. Many people make this mistake. But it is helpful to remember that the expression is about fate and destiny, not about faith or religion.

On a faithful Tuesday during one of our play dates

Secondly, please be sure to read your stories through for errors before posting. There are a few issues, like this one:

“Yes, I have heard.” she respoy in assertion.

Thank you for sharing your creative nonfiction story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.

Oh, thank you so much for these corrections. I've learnt a thing or two and I really appreciate.


theinkwell, wongi sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

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When stealing becomes a habit, it can be quite difficult to break, even if the desire to steal merely to hang out with others is typically strong. She resisted your best attempts to correct her.
But it is a pity for her

Good thing she dropped the attitude.

Your reaction to what your friend was doing, stealing, was very correct, you told her that you wouldn't tell on her but that she should stop for her sake. Too bad she couldn't stop. Hopefully it was a learning experience for her.

Cheers @wongi, good story, thanks for sharing.

I'm certain it was a learning experience for the young lady.

Thank you so much for reading 😊


@popurri! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @wongi. (1/5)

I hope titi eventually refrained from stealing and didn't grow up with it.

by the way, I'm glad you didn't join her😅 because during your little discourse with titi at the time of her apprehension, it sure felt like you were about to give in to the act

Cool story!

Hehe, my parents would murder me if I tried.

Thank you for reading 😊


@chuksmeezy! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @wongi. (2/5)

I trust our parents well enough.

Thanks for the tip!

It takes love and care from the home to dissuade a child from envying other kids who have what he or she doesn't.

There is a popular saying that; 'show me your friend and I will tell you who you are." You did the most appropriate thing by attempting to change before giving her a distance due to her adamancy.

It's just sad that she didn't heed my advice initially. But in the end, I think she changed for good.


lightpen, wongi sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

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Your contant is very good. Parents should pay attention to their children's behavior and activities, and handle them with love.

I agree with you dear.


cryptomother, wongi sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

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I guess being too strict on a child has its own repercussions. I believe if Titi parent where kind enough to her and open to her, she would have been able to tell them anything she was going through.

Probably she believe if she asked, they would shun or beat her up which is why she resorted to the means of stealing. Stealing is never a good option.
It was very interesting to read.

@wongi! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fashtioluwa. (1/5)

That's is one other factor, too much strictness from the parents. That is why it's good to listen to your kids as a parent.


fashtioluwa, wongi sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

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Very important. Watch their action and ask them question instead of shouting at them

What titi did is very wrong I wouldn't want my child to be like her

Nobody would want their child to be like that.


@lenedamag! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @wongi. (1/5)

Titi the thief...

This one no easy 😂😂😂

What Titi did was absolutely wrong and I liked that you spoke to her before withdrawing from her. Since she didn't want to change. Nice one.

It would have been disastrous if she grew with it. I detest stealing because once starts, it will be difficult to stop.

It's good that Vera and her friend stayed away from Titi, because she learned a bad habit. Have a nice evening.

Thank you for reading.