For a while I was sharing here each and every week; taking pictures of little rituals, discussing the enchanting aspects of herbs and nature. During the past couple of months, however, I have been struggling to find subjects for my witchy articles.

Instead of pretending like my spiritual practice is always easy and fun, I want to be honest with you all and share what I am going through right now. As life and work become more demanding I feel pressure to do more & more rituals to assist all the projects I have going on. Instead I have re-coiled a bit from doing any types of spells and set a new goal for myself.
Instead of letting my craft get ever more complicated. I am stripping back to the essence of what called me to natural magick. Quite simply: the connection with nature.
No more complicated rituals, no more buying of unneeded tools. Just nature and books because my practice was getting too complicated. It was as if I felt I had something to prove.
Or maybe I felt the pressure (that so many content creators do) to share each and every aspect of my life online...
Time to reel things back in. It is summer now. The season of abundance & lengthy days. Summer is the season of flowers, long walks around the forest, and harvesting bouquets just for fun.
Instead of looking toward to future (which is my constant distraction) I am focusing on the this current moment. The horses roaming the land, the bright flowers in the garden, and the bees that visit them.
And, of course, the most important part of my craft has always been harvesting herbs that grow around me both for their spiritual and medicinal properties. This herb, called Jarilla, is a perfect example of both: as a medicinal herb it is wonderful for cleaning wounds and healing the skin when used in a bath or poultice. And magickally, this herb is great for spiritual cleansing. I made a couple of bouquets for "sweeping" out bad vibes that might linger in our home.
Contemplating all of this I opened up the book of shadows that I have been slowly adding to over the past few years. And, to my great surprise I found that I have already learned this lesson.
In my very own handwriting I had written down this wisdom: "When I feel lost, overwhelmed, of confused I can always return to the plant path".
Life if funny like that. I so often wander off my path, tempted by consumerism and a desire to appear a certain way. And then I reminded (again and again) to keep it simple. I spelled out so clearly for myself to simply: focus on the plants.
never failed me... always the REAL energy!
when I read your words I remember those intense periods...
your writing is so nice.... especially the analog letters in the notebook :)
from the soul & very beautiful!
thank you for sharing your deeds!
there was a time, that I was more open about my projects...
now I'm in a little creative black hole :)
you know... the surrounding personal drama :]
Totally! It is funy how complicated people's witchy practices can get online when in reality it is all about connecting with nature. At least to me.
I hope circumstances will allow you to get back into your practice. And if you would like to share the Magick community would love to see your posts. No preasure though because, of course, spiritual practices aren't always meant to be shared online.
Thank you so much for the understanding and the energy beam! :)
Just subscribed to the Magick community...
& yes... the most sacred things are better unexplained & hidden from public sight...
thanks so much!!
@calendulacraft I love everything esoteric.
Life has a way of bringing us back to center and to simply "be"! You followed your instincts and went all in on the esoteric, it was for the experience of it all. Now, you felt to let most of it go and your spirit is showing you how simple it is to be with nature. The sun, wind, the rain, the birds, bees, plants, and horses are all healing energy in themselves. Life is meant to be enjoyed and not overwhelmed by "doing" all the time. I am happy you are listening to your inner wisdom. Much Love! ♥
You get it! I must admit I will probably always be intrigued be the realm of esoteric. But, I am coming to understand that even if I read or watch videos about certain subjects doesn't mean I need to practice them. I live in the country and am very busy with farm chores after all. So making bouquets, collecting rocks, and beautifying my surroundings is the most practical magick and that is where my purpose lies, at least for now.
I really appreciate your heart-felt comment!!
I love it! I feel the same in my urban homestead. Caring for the plants and animals brings joy and peace into my life. I used to do crystals and grids with herbs and flowers. Now I thank them and make tinctures for medicinal purposes only. I can't pick them for a vase anymore and leave them to the garden spirits. I captured some fairies in photos years ago and even had one say hello to me. What a delight that was. Now, I love the insects and birds and take care of the land as best I can.