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RE: Identity and Authority

in Anarchism3 years ago

Even though I do not understand a lot about crypto, I think it should be considered just like the currency that we have always had, or get rid of paper money altogether. Come to think of it they have pretty much already done that, how many people carry cash like they used to? As for Gay rights, it was long overdue. The government should not tell you who you should or shouldn't love. But they do many things that they should not do.


I use cash frequently. I like cash anonymity even more than crypto anonymity for local purchases.

Government funny money is kinda crap, but silver trade is still a viable option in the liberty community too.

By silver trade, do you mean coins or real silver? You are the only person that I know who uses cash, we hardly ever have cash on us.

I mean silver ounce rounds or 90% silver dimes and quarters from 1964 and earlier.

My Dad used to collect those, he always had me watching for them also silver certificate dollars