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RE: 7$ Magic Atlantean Deck with Crystaltechnics and Volcanic Watchers as Key Cards. How to Play + Video

in Gods On Chainlast year

When I play a deck for a while and win a lot, then a strange streak of misfortune comes,

This is actually what has happened to me in the last couple of months.

Probably, I should change the archetype I play every time when a bad luck streak comes.

And this is what I just did today, and some of the days when I feel like I am unlucky.

With that being said, I think that the reason is Algo. Because the way it happens seems to be very predictable, it happens all the time (at least in my case and how I observe it).


Yes, this might be the algo.

There are reasons to think that the algo doesn't like personally me since I mostly stopped spending, started selling a lot (during all 2023), and I only collect tokens. GU is a company that puts sales above everything else (including the code and respect of the community). The algo can be part of their business model.

It also can be that the algo just wants us to have versatile decks... Etc. I am not interested in thinking too much about why and how.

I don't know if GU eventually succeed or not, but I am just tired of these morons. There are many games in the crypto sphere to support morally and financially.

The game is still a sort of fun besides the fact they nerfed hard my favorite archetype (HRD).
Ok... It was

I hope they stop pissing off the community.