Algo in Action or Coincidence?
When I play a deck for a while and win a lot, then a strange streak of misfortune comes, right when the win rate of my deck proves to be consistently high.
In case of my favorite aggro Deception, the frequency of Nature players begins to go off scale after that.
This is the last 10 matches I played with HRD (which had had high win rate before that), 50% of the opponents played Nature 😀:
The algo or coincidence? 🤔
I decided not to wait until they would chase me down right to the bottom of Midnight Shadow and switched to Magic Atlanteans today.
I had played this type of Atlantean deck recently (my last post about that sub-archetype). It was awesome, I reached Solar, and, then, the deck had just stopped working... But today it works fine again... 😀
(Probably, I should change the archetype I play every time when a bad luck streak comes.)
My Strong-Again Atlantean Deck
I won 8 matches out of 9 in Auric and reached Solar with this deck today:
How to Play
The key card is Crystaltechnics. Buff or / and copy a creature with it. Crystaltechnics is the only manasurge card in the deck so when Zaskia draws only it, and, thus, there is three ways to draw Crystaltechnics in such a deck.
Clearing the deck: draw Theoretical Thaumaturge, Scuttler Sentry, Time-Bomb against aggro decks - they will break the opponent's board as a cupboard with dishes. Use Diffusion early to ruin the opponent's board. When you have boost on Volcanic Watchers, Diffusion is even more powerful (hidden creatures are weeping with blood, reading this).
Boost 1 on Volcanic Watcher is enough to stop Feral Shapeshifter with Diffusion, cast on a 3-strength creature:
Grow a Volcanic Watcher and win with the help of its boost and ever-growing health. Use Crystaltechnics to get even more buffed Volcanic Watchers. Clone Volcanic Watcher when it has ward from Phase Touched Golem or protected from Undertow Rover if you have a chance for that.
If the scenario with Volcanic Watchers doesn't work, you can win with clear aggro strengthened with Crystaltechnics. If you get two creatures with ward early, buffing them +2/+2 is a good way to win. Like this:
Avalanche Watcher can be extremely helpful. It can win alone in the late game. But don't avoid playing it early against aggro. Avalanche Watcher is backline so all those minions will defend it. Thus, casting ward on it with Phase Touched Golem is a good idea.
Another combo is Phase Touched Golem + Crystalseer Acolyte. Especially good when you play against decks with many spells.
Compared to the previous version, I added 2 Reject Dogma and 2 Defend the Ramparts to the deck.
Reject Dogma was a great find for this deck. It is a 1-mana card draw option so it shortens your way to key cards. At the same time, it can become a cheap face damage when you have a buffed Volcanic Watcher or several of them.
I am not sure Defend the Ramparts was a perfect choice but I wanted to add an extra way to get control of the board when playing against the worst matchup, aggro Light.
I Would Try...
I would try 2 Ancient Texts instead of Defend the Ramparts. But I don't have this card. Ancient Texts is good against aggro Light but it can also be a face damage spell that synergizes (like Reject Dogma) with large boost of Volcanic Watchers.
Match vs Control War with All Those Dragons in Auric before Reaching Solar
Speech is silver but a video is golden as wise men say 😎 Watch the vid, and you'll see how amazing Volcanic Watchers and Crystaltechnics are, and how much fun the deck is. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, see you in the GU arena! 🤠
Great article, I might give it a try.
Thanks! If you like aggro, you will enjoy the deck. Especially because this aggro can last longer due to ward + Volcanic Watchers become angrier with every turn. 🙂
One of the great things of this deck is that it utilizes the cards that are not really used a lot(volcanic watcher, reject dogma, defend the ramparts and even diffusion!)
Yes, true 🙂 I even forged 2 gold Reject Dogmas from what I had (piles of this card) + bought some - very cheap. As for Diffusion, it might become a Primal Guidance for Magic Atlanteans and, potentially, Mystic (I recently played against such a deck, without Duffision though).
This is actually what has happened to me in the last couple of months.
And this is what I just did today, and some of the days when I feel like I am unlucky.
With that being said, I think that the reason is Algo. Because the way it happens seems to be very predictable, it happens all the time (at least in my case and how I observe it).
Yes, this might be the algo.
There are reasons to think that the algo doesn't like personally me since I mostly stopped spending, started selling a lot (during all 2023), and I only collect tokens. GU is a company that puts sales above everything else (including the code and respect of the community). The algo can be part of their business model.
It also can be that the algo just wants us to have versatile decks... Etc. I am not interested in thinking too much about why and how.
I don't know if GU eventually succeed or not, but I am just tired of these morons. There are many games in the crypto sphere to support morally and financially.
The game is still a sort of fun besides the fact they nerfed hard my favorite archetype (HRD).
Ok... It was
I hope they stop pissing off the community.
Hi, I like your team Magic with "Volcanic Watcher" and "Crystaltechnics", nice game.👍👍👍
Thank you!
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