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RE: January Farming GODS and a $5 Super Deck with 70% WR

in Gods On Chainlast month

Nice earnings and nice progress report.

That Deception deck is not 'relatively cheap', it's very cheap 😜.
And yes, it does take skill to squeeze a good win rate out of it.

Your War deck is super accessible too.

To maintain a higher quality standard, we're asking authors to indicate the source of the images in their posts, when they are not their own. We all know the screenshots come from GU Decks and the game client, but still we should give credit where credit is due and new people may not be aware of these common sources.

To help everyone with sourcing GU images, I made this post Please take a look.

Also as a matter of standard procedure, please always post the deck code or a link to the deck in GU Decks whenever you share a deck - or two in this case.

It would be great if you could edit your post to apply these improvements. Thanks in advance.


Hi, thanks for reminding me about this 👍 I think I fixed it 🙃

Thanks, I see you made some changes. It's still missing the deck code for the Deception deck, though.

If I could offer a suggestion, the source links for GU Decks pages under the screenshots could be a direct link to that particular page and double as the way readers would be able to retrieve the deck code.