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RE: UPDATE on the Frenzied Agro War Deck before weekend ranked - 100% winrate so far

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

Nice build. Curious why you don't run Pyramid Warden or Scythes. How do you feel about the 6 mana Sole survivor, it's a nice buff and board wipe, doesn't fit the deck? Infiltrator is nice for big booty creatures early on. I find Shield nice when you're in a creature heavy match but too slow against sleep.


I would run 2x Pyramid Wardens for sure if I could afford them. :) I feel they are a bit too expensive for me to buy now. Considering if I should just invest in them tbh.
I wouldn't include Scythes even if I had them, I feel they are too clunky at 4 mana.
I'm not sure about Sole Survivor. I haven't had enough time to test them. I tried a few games with them, but the games didn't go long enough for me to test if they worked well.
Shield is really good. Will win you any matchup if mulliganed against anything but sleep

Yeah turn 1 shield into warmonger next turn is back-breaking for the opponent.