This is why I started taking animal bond against everything that wasn't deception or going 2nd vs war. It can really help with the early/mid game and help you get to the big things without just losing the board completely. Also makes for better wildfire value if you do put it in!
My plan is to mulligan for going real wide early with cheap things and then start throwing in the big things around turn 5+
is there a way i can watch your replays ? i really would like to see it on play... in my lvl is pretty hard to drop big cards... everyone seems to be rushing at all costs lol.
still gotta rush some lvl to get more cards. i should be foccusing on this now lol
Yeah its on my latest videos on twitch! No idea how long it stays there, only just started streaming. The title should be Weekend Ranked or something like that, I did all the 30 wins in one go!