Weekend Ranked event in Mythic!

in Gods On Chain3 years ago (edited)

Weekend Ranked Event!

You can watch it all right here! The full stream of my entire weekend games! (score spoilers below).

Hey all!!! I am new to Hive and pretty new to Gods Unchained (just over a month playing). Decks and comments are included below. I wanted to upload and talk about my recent weekend ranked event for you guys to see if interested. I haven't put any money in to the game but I have been given a couple of cheaper cards, as well as pulled some from weekend expansion packs, so they aren't true "F2P" decks but they are very very cheap and not fully optimised!

I did start the event in Mythic rank, I like to aim for the top even if I haven't all the cards!

I started out playing a newly made magic deck. I had just been given some Miraculous Familiars, which give a random spell the first time you use a spell. I had also just pulled a Vortimer from my legendary pack last weekend. This deck was a lot of fun but had loads of little combos and requires quick thinking with random spells. I only got to practice like 5 1v1s before going in and generally performed pretty well. When it came to the ranked weekend it did do well, I played 12 games with it to start and won 8 of them, losing mainly to other magic decks. I must admit I did make more misplays with this deck than I usually do when using a new deck. It is very easy to miss small damages and it is really quite complex, I found myself running down the timer much more than normal.


After the 4 losses though I decided to change decks. I found it a lot of fun but I really wanted to get as many packs as I could. I changed to my makeshift nature deck. It lacks a lot of the more common cards people improve, like Finnean and a 2nd Pangolin but I had a lot more practice with it. During the week I played it to 1670 rating, which is quite high for a sub optimal deck and felt very comfortable playing it. I managed to win most of the rest of the game, only losing 2 more...damn magic!! lol :D


That left my record at 19 wins overall, which is my new best! I do wish I had started with the deck I was most familiar with. My arrogance lead me to play one of the more complicated decks possible without properly testing it out and it possible cost me some wins. Still, I am really happy with my results overall and had a great time streaming it!

If you made it this far thanks for reading and if you have any questions feel free to drop a comment or come by the stream some time and I will always answer to the best of my ability!

Have fun :D


Nice deck, mate! Is this your favourite deck/god class so far ya think?
If you had to chose between Nature and Magic, for example.

Am new myself (GU and peakd) but really like how people can share cheap/starter decks. Thanks for that!

Have a good one.

Hey welcome! Magic is my favourite god to play. I like nature but sometimes I need a break from the confusion lol.

I had a couple friends join the game recently and based a free magic deck off the one TB Hansson is using on his NCP-[TOXIC]-F2P account! Has been working rly nicely. So if you looking for ideas that account is always a great one to go to! I think he tries to play only fully f2p stuff on there.

I see, thanks for the reply! Will def have a look!

i've been having trouble with the nature deck. i am not being able to to control the board against people rushing me. might need Wildfire, lol

nice win rate with those decks, gratz

This is why I started taking animal bond against everything that wasn't deception or going 2nd vs war. It can really help with the early/mid game and help you get to the big things without just losing the board completely. Also makes for better wildfire value if you do put it in!

My plan is to mulligan for going real wide early with cheap things and then start throwing in the big things around turn 5+

is there a way i can watch your replays ? i really would like to see it on play... in my lvl is pretty hard to drop big cards... everyone seems to be rushing at all costs lol.

still gotta rush some lvl to get more cards. i should be foccusing on this now lol

Yeah its on my latest videos on twitch! No idea how long it stays there, only just started streaming. The title should be Weekend Ranked or something like that, I did all the 30 wins in one go!

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Would love to have a match with you someday 🙌🏻

Feel free to stop by the stream any time! I'm always up for 1v1s outside of the 25 games! :D