Beef Liver in Turmeric, Red Wine & Coconut Milk Sauce. Caribbean Flavor :)

Hi, foodies in the Hive!

I hope you're having a nice Sunday 😁❤️

There are recipes that seem to have been forgotten in the back of our minds. Suddenly one day, all the ingredients are there and you say, why not? Has it ever happened to you?

This happened to me with a recipe for beef liver that I hadn't prepared since my son was little. Unlike me, he had only a few opportunities to taste the cuisine of my father's hometown, Parian cuisine, valuable part of our Caribbean inheritance, with strong influences from different European countries that found here a land that after being a colony, became a melting pot of flavors and remembrances.


This is basically a beef liver stew with a thick sauce of intense color and flavor. Traditionally, this would be served with rice and fried slices of ripe plantain instead of mashed potatoes and salad, all in one plate. Just before serving, someone in the family would say, Wait! We need some salad, and he or she would slice a couple of tomatoes, cucumber, and white onion and toss it all with a simple vinaigrette of white vinegar and olive oil.




x 4-5 people


  • 800 gr beef liver steaks cut in pieces of about 4 cm
  • 2 cups onion, sliced
  • 1 cup sweet chili pepper, finely sliced
  • 2 tablespoons freshly crushed garlic
  • 1 heaping spoonful tomato paste
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon oregano
  • 1 tablespoon ground turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon cane sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 150 ml red wine
  • 250 ml creamy coconut milk (I used homemade)

  • fresh ciboulette and freshly cracked black pepper for garnish

I made mashed potatoes, white rice, and a lettuce, avocado, and back olive salad to go with the stew.


When I was little, forty years ago, Venezuelan grandmothers and mothers fed their children at least once a week with beef liver. They said that children who ate this until the last piece on their plate would grow strong. Without resorting to science, they'd recommend feeding beef liver to those suffering from anemia and to people who had become "pale" or looked "weak." The truth is that beef liver is an exceptional source of vitamins, including A and B12, as well as iron, among others.

Not everyone likes the taste of beef liver. For some, it can be bitter or have too pungent an aroma, so it's traditionally prepared in stews with a touch of sweetness and lots of onion. Today I didn't use as many onions as I usually do because there were only two left in my refrigerator 😏




I began by sauteeing the onion, cut in half rings.


I used a little olive oil...


...and added the spices.


While this was simmering, I chopped the chili peppers; I took the pedicels, seeds and veins out.


I chopped the only tomato I had left in the fridge and peeled and crushed the garlic cloves with my old mortar and pestle.


Once the onions had begun to brown, it was time to add the rest of the ingredients.


Everything was bliss. And all of a sudden... Boom! Power outage. Lucky I had just charged an emergency light bulb. Our kitchen is quite dark, even during the day and despite the large windows.


I added the salt. Just a little. I'd check that later. i let it simmer for 20 minutes with the lid on.


After that, it was time to add the vinegar and the tomato paste. I had my doubts, but a heaping spoonful was enough to get a thick sauce.



When the sauce had almost completely dried, it was time to deglaze the pan.

I used the last bit of red wine I had left for that.


As is customary, I let the stew cook for 3 minutes with the wine, so that the alcohol would come out and only the flavor would remain.

Finally, I added the coconut milk.


Before my eyes, the sauce became thicker and creamier and immediately, the aroma changed and took me back to my home of many years ago.


The stew was finally ready. In total, it took about 40 minutes of cooking.


While the stew was cooking, I was preparing the sides.


I made mashed potatoes with a little margarine,


and a lettuce, avocado, and black olive salad. Only olive oil and a pinch of salt for a dressing.


Time to eat!

For plating, I just made a bed of mashed potatoes. I made it a little thinner in the center, to make a kind of basket to hold the stew.


I sprinkled some freshly cracked black pepper.


Then I got some ciboulette from my garden, cut into small pieces and sprinkled them on top.


The dish was ready! A simple looking dish with some of my favorite Caribbean flavors. Ihope you have found this recipe useful 😄


This dish took me back to my childhood 😁❤️

What is that dish you loved as a child that you haven't eaten/prepared for a long time?


Bon appetite!



All text and images are my own. I have taken the pictures with my Redmi 9T cell phone. And if any GIFs here, I've used GIPHY for all them.


Thank you so much for your visit :)


Banner by @andresromero 🖤


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 11 months ago  


 11 months ago  

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Creative Cuisine projectYou have been curated by @edwing357 and the .

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Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @creativecuisine @edwing357 😁❤️

 11 months ago  

Gracias a ti por compartir esta estupenda receta con nosotros, simplemente espectacular ☺️🤗✨

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏

Much appreciated, @hivecurators 😁❤️

 11 months ago  

Que preparación tan maravillosa amiga, los ingredientes que usas para la receta son exquisitos, el vino, el coco, aceitunas negras para la ensalada uff! me imagino el aroma de tu cocina y quiero ser vecino jajaja, ese emplatado es de lujo, totalmente perfecto , atrapa la mirada y nos hace salivar , la pimienta recién molida y el cariñito final de tu jardín son el toque mágico que realza el conjunto 😍

El hígado de res es un plato de mucha tradición aquí en oriente; la receta más popular es la del hígado encebollado. A mí me encantaba cómo lo preparaba mi mamá; era de los pocos platos que le salían bien 🙊 Ella odiaba la cocina. Mi papá, por el contrario, como bb uen güireño, se inspira cuando prepara cualquier cosa y tiene excelente sazón.

El vecino es bienvenido, igual que tú 😁❤️

Gracias por pasar, mi querido @edwing357 Tu visita es de cinco de éstas ⭐

 11 months ago  

Encebollado, en coco , como lo pongas te queda todo maravilloso, tu sazón es A1+. Estoy buscando casa cerca jajaja 🤪 para mudarme y en las mañanas decir hoooola vecina , traigo una tarta recién hecha , que vamos a comer hoy 🤣

Esos son los vecinos que me hacen falta 😂 Para que se coman la mitad de mi comida 🙊

Thank you so much, @sirenahippie, Ecency team! 😁 Much appreciated! 💙

The culinary masterpieces are amazing. I will learn to do it one day, try it and it will be delicious.

Hey, @ahleap ❤️

Looking forward to your dishes!


Platos unicos, con sabor y calor de hogar que evocan recuerdos.

De niña tenía tendencia a ser anémica y recuerdo que mi mamá preparaba al menos una vez por semana Asadura Guisada acompañada con arroz blanco, pues esa era una comida que me ayudaría a mejorar mi anemia. Creo que no solo lo hacía por mí, pues a todos nos encantaba comerla porque la verdad es que a mí mamá le quedaban muy ricas.🤤😜

Por otro lado, el toque de leche de coco que le agregaste a este delicioso plato fue todo un plus. Ya me imagino su sabor, lo que me hizo recordar al tarcari de chivo que también le agregan leche de coco!

Gracias por compartir tus potentes recetas, mi querida @marlyncabrera.

Así que tú eras una de esas almas rescatadas por la asadura encebollada de las madres de antes, jaja.

Mi esposo ama la asadura, pero yo no avanzo más allá del hígado de res 🤭 Una vez, hace como veinte años, preparé asadura y me quedó horrible; conservo el trauma hasta hoy 🤭 Tengo pendiente la tarea de aprender la receta de una amiga que la hace espectacular. Ella me dice que el secreto está en ponerle toneladas de cebolla y bastante aliño, pero me tiene que contar el cuento completo.

El tarkarí de chivo, también el de pato y de pollo eran muy populares en Río Salado (Güiria), el pueblo de mi padre. Se preparaba en canarín con bastante aliño, curry y leche de coco, y era popular en los cumpleaños (que tenían música en vivo, con cuatro, violín y maraca y podían durar más de un día); se servía con bola de plátano, arroz blanco y caraotas negras. ¡Ah, malaya! Ya me dió hambre, jaja.

Gracias por pasar a compartir memorias y delicias, querida @zupasteleria ❤️😁

 11 months ago  

Hola querida Marlyn

Amo las recetas con historias son tan sublimes con una caricia al corazón...
El hígado de res me recuerda a mi mamá le encantaba, ella lo marinaba con mucho ajo, sal, comino y un chorrito de soja, los sofreía a fuego lento luego agregaba las cebollas, aquello quedaba delicioso, tanto como tu preparación.
El olor de ese guiso divinamente aromatizado tan exquisito que puedo percibirlo, el puré y la ensalada acompañantes magistrales para un resultado de rechupete.

Esa receta de tu mamá está robable. Una de mis tías cocinaba el hígado de res a fuego lento, por horas; lo ponía desde temprano en la mañana. Yo estaba pequeña, así que no sé qué le ponía. Mucha cebolla y ajo, seguro que sí, pero no sé qué más. Lo cierto es que ella lo hacía con mucha salsa y luego lo dejaba reposar hasta la hora del almuerzo. Antes de servirlo, le ponía aceite crudo (creo que de maíz) y lo servía con abundante arroz blanco. Recuerdo es comida como una de los platos más sabrosos de mi infancia. Creo recordar que olía un poco a salsa de soya o tal vez a salsa inglesa.

Gracias pasar a darme más hambre se la que ya tenía, jaja.

Abrazo ❤️😁

wow, this is a new way to process beef liver. I often fry beef liver just with shallots and enjoy it straight with rice. I think this is a delicious cooking idea with simple ingredients!.

We usually make it with a good amount of onion, green bell pepper, sweet chili peppers, and garlic, then curry, bay leaves, and coconut milk. It's served with rice and fried slices of ripe plantain. That'd be the popular way; I love it.

Thank you so much for dropping by, my friend ❤️ Have a nice week ahead 😁

Wow, a super combination of all complete ingredients. I think the mixture will give a delicious taste. Thanks for the great recipe, friend!

I don't like innards but will leave an upvote for the complete and detailed recipe 😊

Thank you so much for stopping by ❤️You're too kind, @wolfplayzor 😁 I'm not a fan of innards, either 😆 I just like beef liver.

The first time I made pancakes, I already had the recipe in my head and I had all the ingredients too and then, boom!!!
I made it. Anyway, this looks very good
It is looking so yummy

I think pancakes have a special place in the heart of many people, mine included 😌
Thank you so much for dropping by, @rafzat! Have a nice week ahead ❤️

@marlyncabrera It looks very tasty.

untitled.gifThank you so much, @lanoican