OK, I'll be honest...I didn't just lose the battle, I lost three in a row! That's right, my Jenga skills are not at an advanced level; That is to say I'm rather bad at Jengarising, Jengifery? Jengology! Whatever it's called, I suck at it.
This Christmas we decided to set a limit per person and do the Christmas present thing which we do not usually do. It actually worked out really well and it's quite surprising what a $100 limit can buy when one applies one's imagination. One of gifts I got was Jenga, a game I've been wanting for a while but never had enough motivation to buy.
Now I've got Jenga it's time to crush everyone, I thought to myself but...Well, there was crushing alright, but it was me getting crushed.
We unboxed Jenga after lunch on Christmas day. I'd had a gin and tonic which I eventually blamed for my defeat(s) but that would come later, the defeats - At the unboxing and setting up stage I was all confidence and trash-talk...For which I paid later.
For those who don't know, Jenga is a game where one has a stack of little wooden blocks, stacked in levels of three first one way and then the next, cross-hatch style. The game is for each player to remove a block in turn and not have the tower collapse. The winner is the person whose turn it was before the tower collapses. As each block is removed it's replaced on the very top of the stack so it gets higher and higher, and more unstable at the base and lower levels as the game progresses.
I think my problem derived from the fact I attacked it too hard, always looking for the killer move and trying to set up the next player.
I'd try and remove the blocks that would render the stack very unstable which meant I was always removing those most precarious foundation blocks. I'm very steady of hand and have a light touch when required but...Well, my own cleverness, engineering and the laws of gravity always seemed to outsmart me.
Above you can see one of my opponents, my wife Faith, contemplating her move. She kept trying to distract my focus with her boobs but impervious to their charms I persisted...Actually that's a lie, I'm not impervious at all and now I think of it I should have blamed her boob-tactics for my losses, declared it unfair or something.
Here you can see one of the towers we were playing. It was very top-heavy as I'd removed most of the stabilising blocks in my bid for Jenga glory, otherwise known as Jenglory, however just like the previous two Jenga battles the tower collapsed as I was removing a block and...I lost again.
This is one of the most simple of games; There's not much to it at all but it's fun! I find it fun anyway, yes even despite losing all the time. We haven't played since Christmas day although we have a Jenga battle set for later tonight and I just know it's my time to shine! Distracting boob-tactics will have no affect on me. Ok, yes they will, but I'll try really hard not to get distracted!
Gaming doesn't mean computer or video games to me, I prefer board games, but how about you? What games did you get for Christmas or do you play as a family?
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
So simple but so so so much fun! I missed those times during the 90's. My friends and I would play this outside our houses during power outages (which happens almost everyday.) I remember our parents would scold us because we're getting too noisy. Yeah, trashtalking makes this game so much fun and noisy.
Trash talking isn't listed as one of the rules on the instruction booklet but it just seems to fit so...Why not?! 😂
I like board games and this sort of interactive stuff; It reminds me of my childhood, family time with bard games and all. It's just nice.
Thanks for commenting and maybe one day I'll get to challenge you in some Jengology...A hive Jenga tournament maybe? (Trash talking permitted).
tokens.I got a set of Jenga for Christmas but they were knock offs, doesn't have the same feel as the real thing because they're a bit lighter. We still had a good time though.
As to your defeat, what can I say? Excuses excuses!!!! 😂
Go Faith, smash him again!!!
Have fun!
I saw that you got a set right after I did this post. Yeah, I made a few excuses for losing, none of which got me too far. We'll be back on it tonight...Time will tell if I can manage a win. 🤣
The ol' boob distraction win's again🤣
It gets me every time man...I don't know, you'd think I'd be impervious by now but, nope, still affects me. 🤣
Hello @galenkp
This is a very nice gift you got. It is not just the gin tonic that made you lose the battles 😅 but you can practice so it will be better next time. If this night you will shine, let us know ☺️
We played a lot of Man, don't get angry , domino, cards, memory, hang-man, sequence...
This last one, sequence, is the most interesting thing we have played in the last few years. When we visit our families, we play it together. Six of us, (playing in groups of two) and we have to randomly pick up the players because we are more than 6 and everyone wants to play 😂
Edit: I forgot the warships
It sounds like you've got a few good games...I haven't played hangman for a long time. It's a good fun game!
I'm not sure if I'll be able to report a win later but we'll see, I've been revising my strategy and hope the new plan will help me get a win or two. 😁
Finger crossed for the new strategy 😜🤞
And I forgot to mention as well puzzle. Practically it is not a board game but with my niece we were making one picture for one month...a 3.000 pieces Minion puzzle. Everything yellow and all those same eyes 😂😂😂
Edit: I have to correct, it was a bit more than 1.000 pieces, this was not the 3.000 one .
Photo when we finished:
That would be hard...It all looks the same! My mother in law does jigsaws but I don't have the patience.
A few years ago I got a fairly basic one for my dad; He was in the nursing home at the time, some dementia...It was probably quite optimistic. Anyway, I ended up sitting there with him over a few visits and helping him do it. He wasn't much help but it was good together time I suppose. I felt some satisfaction on completion of it, but it's unlikely I'd do another one any time soon.
Hi, my friend,
I have never played Jenga. To be honest, although he had seen it on some entertainment show when he was addicted to TV. Today you taught me his name and tactics.
I think it's good that you got crushed in the fighting. You are very lucky to be defeated by a special adversary. In that sense, you have already won the war. I am convinced that it is a very bad idea that you defeat your wife. So make an effort and enjoy the defeats inside. If it's natural, better! Who knows what rewards you get for comforting your wounded ego.
Against other opponents, things change ...
Haha, yes you're probably right, getting beaten by my wife isn't too bad and it's all about the fun anyway. In truth I don't really mind at all. Life isn't always about winning. I like your idea on gettin comforted for losing...It could be well worth losing a few games I'd say! ✅
Dang. I just hate when boob distraction overcomes stealth and strategy. You know what I mean?
It looks like a game I'd like with or without boob distraction. It's not that I particularly like losing but sometimes a really good distraction is worth a temporary set back on the game board.
Since I'm mostly solo, I play mostly solo. The good news is my phone knows all my favorite games. Sudoku, Solitaire and Crossword mainly for me,
Crossword is good!! I have always liked them 👌 And you know that "find the difference" pictures ? Hahaha, I know it is involving a small amount of intelligence, but still, it is fun.
Oh yeah, those spot the difference pi tires can be fun. I've seen some very complicated ones. I've seen them used as part of memory retention drills too.
They use it to good effect right? They must get taught it at special lessons in kindergarten.
I'd play Jenga with you for sure...Such a simple game but fun...I think it's the dialogue not necessarily the game play that can be most entertaining... Especially if I am around. It's a fun game and one that can be played alone too. I'm glad to have received it.
Soduku...Now that's a skill that eludes me...I just don't get it..best left to the pro's I think!
Back when I was a kid I had a cousin. Between about the time we had money in our pocket until I was 22, we'd buy each other a $5 gift for Christmas. Man we got creative. One time I went to the sticker shop and got two printed just so I could pay the difference on mine and get his for $5. Coolest shopping stories I have are gonna be those years buying that $5 gift.
About the only game Pura and I will play is scrabble unless we're out somewhere and they're playing a game. Video games, to this day, just ain't my thing. I'd rather draw or something.
Strategy games, I can't get enough, especially chess. Cribbage, backgammon, dominoes, oh I love me some dominoes!
Ok, well, I gotta go now. I've been awake a few hours and haven't signed into chess.com yet.
I like the idea of small-value gifts like that...Makes one get creative can be a lot of fun.
We play a bit of scrabble too but it's not much fun playing Scrabble with me for Faith, she calls me the dictionary. We play some chess too, I've been tea her her to play. She's getting pretty good and has won some games...The pupil beating the teacher! 🤣
There is a role-playing game called Dread that uses the Jenga tower as the mechanic. Instead of rolling dice you make pulls from the tower. This is well suited to horror type games where the tension grows until the tower falls and something bad happens.
Oh really? this I didn't know! It sounds interesting.
Yeah, it is pretty interesting. Some people get very nervous about the tower when it gets close to falling. I don't worry about it too much. It might kill my character but that is the way it goes sometimes.
Now you see, @galenkp you men make it way too easy. You know about the boob distraction tactics and yet, it works every time!! haha and we know this, y'all should really try to get creative and fight back a little, that would make it even more fun!
I'm a sucker for boobs...What more can I say? 😂
Hahaha poor your wife, I don't think you should blame her breasts for the end result of the game 😂.
Yeah, poor her...She won, and will again, all through the devious boob-tactics she uses!