Hey hivers!
Let me share my thoughts 💭 on this one...
With less then 10000 active people on the Hive blockchain, we still have a newborn ecosystem...
All that Hive needs is a user base...
I see many people are participating in a Airdrops.
I just started applying to some of them myself a few days ago...
Any how...
As we all know most of them require telegram, Twitter & discord.
Basically having a some kind of social account...
With current Hive power on the ecosystem of almost 140m
Source penguinpablo stats report
That means daily can be created around $3000 so half of it for the creator so $1500 for new users basically...
In a month that makes $45,000 with current value.
So personally I think that can be a good airdrop with a simple conditions to share about Hive and some details.
On another side once they make their first post and after the payout they power up they can get @ecency points also as a drop as well, that’s gonna give them the chance to increase their tokens in a long term.
In my opinion we can easily bring 5000 new people in one month.
My point is just about the idea the details can be worked out in the process of course.
Looking to hear your feedback on this one...
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It seems to me the main difficulty is not in getting new people to come here but in retention. So perhaps we can brainstorm on how to improve retention. And ask the users who aren't active why they stopped being active. What do you think?
I’ll start by asking yourself.
Please share...@borislavzlatanov
Well, I am active (some commenting but mostly curating) and the reasons for me are both to create a passive income and to participate in building and experimenting with new types of economic and governance systems for humanity. This place offers me such possibilities (even as a small user). Other people may have other reasons but these are the major ones for me.
Ok 🆗
That's very correct.
Because their content is either ignored or overlooked.
Nowadays there are too many content creators, but only a few content consumers on the Hive blockchain. And the automated curation makes it even worse. Many of the curators do not even see what they curate. The average number of comments per post is 2-3, and most of those comments are bot comments. The real human interaction is rare on the Hive blockchain. Many people become disappointed. This is mostly why people are stopping being active.
Speaking about retention it gonna be very hard and the hive community isn't helping at all. I watched a new user grow an account posting about 200 posts to reach a reputation of (51) within about the space of 1 month (that can still be considered fast when comparing it to my own growth) but the account was found to be an impersonator and it was so funny how within a single day it was downvoted down to (0) rep. I believe this shows that the communties and user with higher power only wants to reward there own interest like the communities they've created and the friends they know will get to upvote them back. If such massive support can be gathered to reward new users it would be a big encouragement, but we keep asking newbies to publish great content in order to get a good upvote, yet they publish and still no reward. They definitely will move on to other things they feel will be more productive rather than only watch some post little thing and still earn big reward.
How an impersonator getting downvoted to 0 rep is an issue? And to be honest, most newbies do not share good posts, so I can see why they are not getting the reward they expected.
Because no one has the heart to tell a lot of people their posts suck and it's better to just avoid leaving negative comments that further discourage the user. A lot of people assume once they are onboarded and post, everything they churn out is $ in the form of hand me down votes. There's more to platform than just content dumping and most don't get the social dynamics that go along with the ecosystem.
Hmm do you seriously mean that? Check mine. Check the posts of those who have been here for 2 years or more and what they post on the Actfit community and how they are rewarded.
The truth is people vote for those the whales vote for, they follow them blindly. When a whale voted on most of my posts last month (my first month of being active here) I had 400+ votes on some of my posts. Has my quality gone bad suddenly ?
In fact now that I understand the platform better I post better quality posts, you need godfathers here that is how I see it.
Just my honest opinion. I gotta to agree with @emmanuel.willy, they serve their own purposes. The response to my reply here by the opis adequate enough evidence lol.
I said, most, not all. Also, @ocdb has a program where they check in on a new user, and if their post is good enough then they would upvote. It seems their curators liked your content so they are continuing to reward your posts.
I stand by my opinion that most newbies do not share good posts. And if you think that someone in actifit community is getting rewarded undeservedly, maybe ask @smooth to downvote said posts. If he agrees that it is undeserved, he would gladly downvote those posts.
And, do not forget that this platform is as much a blogging platform as a social media platform. To be seen you have to make connections and interact with people, that is how it works. You are not entitled to a whale vote or any other vote for that matter.
As a side note, people vote for what whales vote for because under certain threshold rewards they get from a post gets halved. This issue would be remedied with the coming hard fork.
Thanks, I won't respond to this.
To get things right - we need to step back and see why this discussion was even started.
I gave a suggestion and whether it is accepted or even considered or not is not mine to defend
I am just another newbie
Thanks for the response.
@emmanuel.willy why did @pblog sent you the HBD the impersonator @eloy-drawing sent to @pblog?
Come up with a believable answer.
Something stinks here and it's not the people upvoting.
"come up with a believable answer" seem to make it an accusation which I think is overstepping boundaries and making accusations before even hearing what the case is about.@adamada I would definitely would believe this to be a question!! But the quote
Yea i knew about the @eloy-drawing case, and I made a transaction with @pblog which I also suspected was @eloy-drawing but this is part of the way I make money also by buying from other users and selling to another that's business and I don't remember any rule prohibiting from transacting with any user (even if they may be criminal). This is in no way to endorse criminal act on the blockchain, but even if I didn't buy it, I guess they will sell it to someone else any. And that how it is I've given you my answer, whether it reasonable or not is up to you to decide.
It's a form of encouragement :D
So it's not a problem whether you're dealing with crooks, it's just the money talks you're after?
We just call it money laundering off the blockchain.
Well you assisted in the process even when flags were raised.
I don't find it acceptable. You don't need the rewards from posting. You can just trade with crooks as much as you want.
I don't get what this fuss is about, I go through my normal business as I ought to which is hiving and if there's an opportunity to buy I take such offers, I only deal with people with little hbd because I'm not that buoyant financially, and I never said I'm dealing with fraudsters, I only said I really didn't think the process of the sellers getting their money is my problem just as those I sell to also don't mind how or at what price I got mine. But I just feel you're taking this too personal
The guy's money came from profiting off someone else's work. You made a comment about him being a victim of how mean the platform can be yet acknowledge him a fraud. You knew what you were doing taking a few cents worth of profit. You made it easier for them to take profit for the ID theft. I heard your reasoning behind the why. Opportunity cost was stolen from someone else, and it's opportunity cost I'm only balancing out. Hope it was worth dealing with @eloy-drawing and reblogging their posts.
What's all this you're doing? Please stop I beg, the power is in your hands but really noone told me this earlier, please I've struggled to build this account and you'll just pull it down for 4hbd..
I could transfer back the hbd if that's what you want and will not trade with such people just please stop!!
Sure, will stop if you actually do that. The downvotes will stay as a reminder.
На някой хора им е много трудно да проумеят че могат да правят пари докато качват снимки или постове или каквото и да е... Не са свикнали с идеята че всичко което цъкнат кажат напишат може да им са плати. Свикнали са да правят нещо в замяна на нещо материално което да го пипнат и по миришат и ако може да се събира в джоба... Всичко с времето си колкото и да обясняваш докато не бъдат готови за това много трудно ще им промениш мисленето... 🙂
Тоше много си прав, но ние вече знае сега трябва да обучаваме
Да сега за нас е важно да усъвършенстваме това което сме научили и да го обърнем в наша полза... Полза която да се удвоява или утроява... Но и за това е нужно време... Трябва да оставяме нещата да се случват да им дадем време да се развият... Или по друг начин казано засадихме семената трябва да пораснат и да почваме да берем... 😁🙂🌄
и аз това мислех да пиша :) Но ти ме изпревари @tbabachev просто не са свикнали да вярват на хората че има и такива дето мислят за другите да са добре ето жив пример е @iliyan90 ако всички мислеха и помагаха на хората като Илиян светът щеше да бъде доста по добър :)
Прави ми впечатление, че само човек постигнал истински МИР в съзнанието си е готов да помага на другите. Много хора помагат защото се чувстват "силни", тоест влиятелни в днешно време, само с идеята да им останеш длъжен. За да помогнеш на някого трябва да вярваш, че помагаш, не търсиш отплата или одобрение. Просто така го чувстваш и действаш. За мен Илиян е такъв човек - вярващ че нещата могат да бъдат по добри и търси начини да го постигне!
Абсолютно си прав ;)
While I think an airdrop can bring more people and that is definitely better for the platform, what's going to (most likely) happen is that a lot of the people that come here from the airdrop are just gonna look for quick profit, and not gonna stay in the platform for the long-term.
Don't get me wrong I support you in every endeavor here on Hive, and this can surely bring some quality people here, but we gotta think about the downsides as well.
I'm looking from all perspective...
I see...@ivangeevo
I understand, together we'll figure it out ;)
I like the approch and thank you for sharing!
Posted using Dapplr
You’re welcome 😉
Namaste 🙏
Most people just sell the tokens they do get from the airdrop. An airdrop also does decrease the value, which is sometime where most hivians aren’t waiting on!
I see
For more exposure.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 65/78) Liquid rewards.
Hi, im new hire.
Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!
Support Ecency
Vote for Proposal
Delegate HP and earn more, by @iliyan90.
I know that a whole bunch of people came from another platform that bit the dust a few days ago. Sadly, when they write posts here no one visits them, there is not much encouragement, so people leave. I guess this issue needs to be addressed first to plug in the gaps.
No matter how many new members come they will all face the same issues here.
I just wanted to add a couple of points here
What is the point of having your posts curated and appreciate and but paid pittance for your work?
and a few other posts which I have written lately.
If this is the response maybe newbies will try to find greener pastures.
and you've got to check the one liners on actfit community which get paid better for nothing.
Just another newbie speaking.
Fill these gaps up and you'll will see more action and excitement. You can check this out on my post https://peakd.com/hive-127788/@hive-127788/re-sofs-su-qu741g
I see...
I think it's important to build a network around ourselves with people we know.
This is where all those communities/tribes that have stated in so many words that they are dedicated to helping/promoting newbies should be working.
I brought a couple of people here and they are gone already I am one of those that will stay on and find my way up.. that is the gap I am talking about. Fix it and you'll will have more people working here for long.@iliyan90 You don't seem to get the point, networking takes time. Not many are willing to stay that long and struggle, their motivation come from their earning power.
I'd love to see clear, settled mechanisms on Hive allowing fast processing and implementation of similar ideas. Sometimes I feel we are runnimg in circles and there is lack of decisive force to proceed with solutions demanding coordinated effort. Anyway, I love the idea of airdrop!
I like your idea 👍
Namaste 🙏
Namaste 🙏
Почваме масова адаптация. Лека по-полека и всички да положим усилия 🤍💚❤️
I am for anything that brings in more content CONSUMERS.
I see
One problem i had was the name of hive, if i am only using hive on google, i don't finde this hive. So if someone only uses this word he won't find hive.
In german wikipedia i didn't find an explanation if i search hive. Only whats hive on windows, a movie ....
But nothing about hive blockchain, hibe blog ...
Nice post!
Keep it up :)