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RE: What's your comment to post ratio like?

in Ask the Hive3 years ago

Good point! For me, I just decide per comment how much to upvote it. A reply that shows someone actually read the post gets a good percentage upvote, but something like "Good post", "I agree", "Nice picture", I will probably ignore, depending on my mood that day. 😅

It's also why I don't comment when I don't have much more to say than "I love that pic!" and if I really, really want to say that, I try to delve a little deeper so the author actually feels like I care.

Socializing is hard!


I get many comments just like those you mention. Its quite easy to see them for what they really are.

Socializing is hard!

That it is!

Hahaha.. I think you were reading my mind when you wrote this! 😆 I agree with all that you said here. Socializing IS hard, especially when you have to read everything first. I tend to get lost reading and then time fly's away from me and it's midnight. lol.

It's also why I don't comment when I don't have much more to say than "I love that pic!" and if I really, really want to say that, I try to delve a little deeper so the author actually feels like I care.

I interpret this as you care. A meaningful comment makes all the difference. Even if it is only a few words long, I think most people can tell the difference.

Anyhow.. I shut up now. lol. Have a great day! 😁