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RE: What's your comment to post ratio like?

in Ask the Hive3 years ago

I get lots of comments, but how many are genuine and how many simply want a comment vote is questionable. If I didn't give out those votes.. would it be the same? I know for a fact some are commenting for the wrong reasons...


Good point! For me, I just decide per comment how much to upvote it. A reply that shows someone actually read the post gets a good percentage upvote, but something like "Good post", "I agree", "Nice picture", I will probably ignore, depending on my mood that day. 😅

It's also why I don't comment when I don't have much more to say than "I love that pic!" and if I really, really want to say that, I try to delve a little deeper so the author actually feels like I care.

Socializing is hard!

I get many comments just like those you mention. Its quite easy to see them for what they really are.

Socializing is hard!

That it is!

Hahaha.. I think you were reading my mind when you wrote this! 😆 I agree with all that you said here. Socializing IS hard, especially when you have to read everything first. I tend to get lost reading and then time fly's away from me and it's midnight. lol.

It's also why I don't comment when I don't have much more to say than "I love that pic!" and if I really, really want to say that, I try to delve a little deeper so the author actually feels like I care.

I interpret this as you care. A meaningful comment makes all the difference. Even if it is only a few words long, I think most people can tell the difference.

Anyhow.. I shut up now. lol. Have a great day! 😁

Yeah, up to each authors to decide themselves which ones are coming for the wrong reasons and not, some times it's easy to tell depending if they're commenting something that proves they've read the post or not.

This wasn't for replies btw, more about your own comments. (the stats)

Yes, I realise that now and I'm hardly the best regarding other's posts.

It's something I need to work on as well.

I think overall it's easy to tell the difference, so I either do not vote it and just comment back with a simple "Thanks", or ignore them. Not everyone has a ton of time, so the comments one puts out there should be genuine ones if they are putting them out. Otherwise don't be a vote hog.. right? After a while I think we just get the feel for these things. You know.. You've been around the block a few times. hehe.

Speaking of which, I have to get over to your blog and see what abandoned, Tetanus and rodent infested abandoned buildings you have been visiting lately 😁