Hey @abh12345 really great write-up!
Wanted to add something to:
Anyway, let's say that we do have a solid 'front of house' in place in the future, and are now ready to start on-boarding people with prior experience to crypto.
The fun part is that this issue was brought up in my proposal, I decided to try to fix that issue in the first place. That was the moment when https://hiveonboard.com/ was born - which is becoming even more popular and visible than the proposal its-self.
I've covered pretty much everything on this project on @hiveonboard blog in interested - but in short it's build as a scale-able solution where users from ad campains, like proposed, could be send to.
Thanks for visiting, and great job on raising a proposal on advertising - we really do need to think more about doing this.
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.”
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark.”
Just a couple I saw during my searches.
I'll have a look at https://hiveonboard.com/ I like the URL for a start!
Cheers :)
hiveonboard.com is where it's at.