Thus, knowing that there's a slight possibility of all that tracking, would that change the way you think about life and how you want that data to be filled?
Well, You mixed up, God or Religion, to aliens, and we believe them to be different. The existence of God can only be felt, and to feel him one needs to go to that level. We have some living examples that are real - Swami Vivekananda, for example, is real whom people have experienced.
So for sure, we are not getting that far, but our Karma is definitely tracked and we are going to get the results of our Karma, that is what we have been taught. And we believe God tracks our Karma, not aliens, but we are never going to meet God and seek an explanation, so belief is the best way to do good work. And if you continue living with good work, you don't need to think about any consequences, resonates with science as well.