If it was officially revealed that aliens do exist and are here, how would it change your life?

in Ask the Hive3 months ago

Seeing a lot of drone activity reporting online lately with people being unsure if it's alien technology or unknown human created drones from potentially other nations, etc. Figured I'd ask this question to get your thoughts and maybe think about something you may not usually think about.

This is kind of a difficult question. I want to make it clear that the question isn't meant as in "how would it change your life if aliens started doing stuff", but merely by confirming their existence and that they're capable of visiting our planet from wherever they're from.

The reason I deem this to be kind of a difficult question is because it crosses over another question I've been curious about the last few years. For that I'd have to openly state that I'm not a religious person per se, but I don't think I'm a full atheist, maybe leaning more towards agnostic. Since I don't think we can know or ever figure out if there is a "god" due to limitations placed by that deity I lean more towards the simulation theory and that this isn't our first rodeo.

Has this changed how I live my life? Not really. Take the simulation theory for instance, if this is only a simulation and everything we perceive to be real is only a "game" so to speak in the previous "realer" universe - which in and of itself may not be the base universe either - we can start to imagine that if our reality is simulated, that technology has to be quite superior to anything we know today. Even though our technology is evolving rapidly, we'd still be quite a few centuries away to potentially create another universe where we could digitally implement consciousness/brains so they could live life the way we do now. That means that if all this is truly simulated, can you imagine the data that must be tracking us? From every neuron of thoughts to every atom of actions we do is probably being tracked by our creators. This could mean that in the event if there is an "afterlife" so to speak where we'd simply "wake up" and be like "good game", we'd be able to look through our short life in this simulation either out of curiosity or research and look into every detail of it.

How many times you have coughed. How many hours you have slept. How much food have you digested. Or other more interesting crossroads based on decisions you made. How many times would you have died had you done y instead of x. How many times did you nearly miss becoming the next Elon Musk. When and where did your life change for the better/worse exactly and what were the events that unfolded that lead to it. You get my point.

Thus, knowing that there's a slight possibility of all that tracking, would that change the way you think about life and how you want that data to be filled?

I find that this is kind of similar to thinking if there's a more advanced alien life, they'd probably cast the same judgement on you that your peers outside of the simulation may looking at your data from your simulated life. In a way it's also a bit similar to some of the religions that people have belief in as they expect to always be "watched" and that their actions may lead to different paths at the "end".

So if we all suddenly became aware that there is other life out there and they know about us, have studied us and may at some point in the future intervene more directly - for better or worse - how would that change the way you'd continue living - if at all?


The matrix argument is just the latest form of Descartes we are dreaming speculation, as well as Harman and Putman's brain in a vat thought experiment. I always liked that one, which is maybe why I can always remember their names. Descartes of course famously rejected the idea and proclaimed "I think therefore I am", but the common argument put forth by philosophers since is usually something like "we can never know, so it is not really terribly useful to waste time thinking about, and we should live assuming this is the base reality".

I would tend to think that if this is a simulation, the entire thing is probably happening overnight in some university, and the results will be quickly tabulated by some grad student (or whatever these roles are in the higher reality) so no one is going to be looking too closely at or judging my personal choices on anything.

I'd probably say the same for aliens. I do believe aliens are out there. But the distance is too large—I think the odds of them coming to Earth are fairly low.

That said, it is a useful way to try to make better choices, thinking that others in a higher reality are watching.

Rather than wondering if beings from a higher reality are watching us, it may make more sense to wonder if beings from a higher dimension are watching us. After all, if 4th spatial dimensional being exist, then they can see us just as easily as we would be able to see 2 dimensional beings. After all, we can look down on a square and see inside it; they would be able to look at a cube (our house) and see inside it. Maybe ghosts are just 4th dimensional beings that some of us have caught glimpse of.

My high school physical science and physics teacher asked us one day in my freshman year in physical science class...

"What if everything we know, all reality, is really just the wet dream of some obese comatose woman in a hospital?"

We all looked around at each other with wide eyes but that concept stuck with me all these years.

haha I like that. A brain in a vat or deceived by a wicked demon would be more standard images for this idea, but that is certainly an image that sticks with you!

Adam and Eve's sin brought death and sickness to all of creation; so if Aliens are out there they got a raw deal.
Makes far more sense to assume abduction/paralysis experiences are demonic. Nasty bastards that live at the edges of our perception. At various times in history they've appeared as pixies, gnomes and goblins, or werewolves and vampires.
Do the horns/pitchfork thing and you just drive people to church.

Hm if they were to share their knowledge with humans the positive impact of that would be so big that it will affect every living beings on this planet which in turn will change my life like others.

I tend to be a bit of an optimist, so I think I would be kind of excited. I think about Star Trek First Contact and how that moment that we met the Vulcans ushered in a whole new outlook for civilization as a whole. It wasn't necessarily better, just different. Okay, maybe a little easier. I have the series in paperback though I haven't gotten around to reading it yet, but CS Lewis who most know was pretty religions given the themes in The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe wrote a Sci Fi series that covers some of the questions that the existence of aliens poses for religious people or really anyone who thinks or struggles with those questions. My brother in law was telling me about it. I might have to finally read them.

I don't think it would change anything for me. Just finding out about Aliens does virtually nothing for myself, because one person is just such a small scale.

Now after Humans and Aliens could figure out to interact with eachother, it would change my behavior in a way as to follow the new rules that will be set on interacting with aliens.

but merely by confirming their existence and that they're capable of visiting our planet from wherever they're from

They exist here and there in the Universe, I believe. But capable of visiting... It would be fun, a lot. But too big difference between capable of visiting and conquering so I wouldn't worry. Why they should? No unique resources on Earth - the same chemical elements as everywhere. Life? If they can reach us, they have the power to terraform planets much closer to their own world. Terraforming planets is super expensive but looks cheaper than sending the space fleet hundreds of light years away.

The main threat would be the risk of introducing alien microorganisms to Earth, so no one in their right mind would want such guests.


Science is agnostic too. But science can tell that some concepts are based on fantasies only. The concept of god-creator has no facts behind it. But it might be true as well as a teapot orbiting around the Sun.

In 1958, Russell elaborated on the analogy:

I ought to call myself an agnostic; but, for all practical purposes, I am an atheist. I do not think the existence of the Christian God any more probable than the existence of the Gods of Olympus or Valhalla. To take another illustration: nobody can prove that there is not between the Earth and Mars a china teapot revolving in an elliptical orbit, but nobody thinks this sufficiently likely to be taken into account in practice. I think the Christian God just as unlikely.

The same about the simulation theory: it's another Russell's teapot, in my opinion.

They/we do exist. Most people don't remember, but nobody's consciousness on Gaia/Earth originated here, we are all Starseeds. "Hue-mans" (light-manifestations) or AI of the Mineral Realm/4th Dimension. We are fractalized Consciousnesses from Source Consciousness or what some may like to personify as god. In reality we are all "gods" with amnesia. Anyway - I'ma stop before I write to oblivion. In regards to the drone thing going on around the world, this is a Psy-Op by the shadow govt as positive disclosure draws near. Highly suggest giving this a watch and take from it what you will.

Thus, knowing that there's a slight possibility of all that tracking, would that change the way you think about life and how you want that data to be filled?

Well, You mixed up, God or Religion, to aliens, and we believe them to be different. The existence of God can only be felt, and to feel him one needs to go to that level. We have some living examples that are real - Swami Vivekananda, for example, is real whom people have experienced.

So for sure, we are not getting that far, but our Karma is definitely tracked and we are going to get the results of our Karma, that is what we have been taught. And we believe God tracks our Karma, not aliens, but we are never going to meet God and seek an explanation, so belief is the best way to do good work. And if you continue living with good work, you don't need to think about any consequences, resonates with science as well.

It would change nothing for me... The universe is almost infinite , that's most likely the same coincidences and conditions on earth happened somewhere else, so I just would be "ok I knew"... But I'm not sure if we will ever get in contact, you can't travel faster than light and if they are too far away we will never meet... There's still the Fermi paradox, looking at humans, it's most likely to happen for us as we are a dumb specie

Regarding the simulation, I think it's most possible the time paradox where it's all already written for you

Honestly? I'd mostly be annoyed that we haven't gotten further. We aren't even on the moon as a permanent non-terrestrial settlement... Let alone things like cancer and such getting defeated. If aliens arrived and didn't bounce us forward that's just bloody disappointing 😂.

I've already seen enough aliens in human form so I don't think anything will change as such.. addressing your wonderful line of thoughts, I think it's going to be a big shocker discovering all the life we thought we lived is a simulation of reality and waking up to something now called "real?!" Sincerely that'll mess me up😂😂 and quite a number of people I guess.. Good piece 👍👍👍

without a doubt aliens are amongst us, thy constructed the pyramids in Egypt and the pyramids in central America. It is I have read that RhO neg blood group which is rare is part alien blood.

I am that blood group LOL

I don't think it would change anything about the way I live. And I am agnostic learning towards atheist.

I'm convinced Aliens have visited in the past and helped us build things like the great pyramids. If there are Aliens here living with us I wouldn't be surprised at all. Whether some of our current tech is Alien tech it is hard to say. Ultimately it just depends on how much they try to interact with us and if advanced tech gets unveiled.
Hopefully we can learn from them.

Only more developed civilizations than ours can come to us. And they are already here. But most likely they do not interfere with our development. They are just watching.

If There ain't already visiting our planet in secret though. If aliens open up I bet it will be world domination like in the movie tommorow war

I don't think that it would change much. Regardless if aliens exist humanity is the greatest threat to humanity. If aliens are friendly perhaps they could protect us from ourselves... But I would not get my hopes up.

It wouldn't change my life. Life is short, I would focus on getting the most out of the rest of my life. I would thank them for creating such a universe :)

It would change a lot. Probably on the world's thinking and way of life. It would probably unite humans knowing that there's alien life who may not necessarily be friendly. It's wonderful and scary at the same time.

This is no alien, its drones . Question is whos flying them

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I have always believed in the existence of extraterrestrial life for certain situations of the past how for example constructions how pyramids and the truth that my life will change nothing just confirm my thought

Interesting question, I've asked myself that too, we're probably a simulation and at some point once the game was over, which barely lasted 20 minutes for the boy, in our world it was the course of our life, because those 20 minutes were for us the years that we were in this world living, loving, hating, growing, succeeding, failing, working, raising a family....maybe that's how it is...but I think that if that were the case and we were in a simulation I think that regardless of what we believe or not...I would continue my life believing that I make my own decisions because at the end of the day every time I stumble upon the furniture I feel that the pain is very real. Greetings

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