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RE: The Adult Blend

in The Man Cave4 months ago

Is it alright for a woman to visit the man cave? Never thought I'd do that but this was a blog that struck a note so here I am.

I'm always doing more than one thing at a time, and my mind is always going. My husband sometimes says he can hear me thinking. I break up routine, and resist regimentation, although I'm extremely responsible if something needs to be done, if it's important.

I am definitely trying to be flexible in my habits and styles of doing things.

Yes! My style is not to have a style.

Hope the visit to the man cave doesn't offend sensibilities 😇


Hahah yes it's welcome for you to stop by of course! :D

I know what you mean and I can likely relate. My wife can tell when I'm thinking by the look on my face! I often don't respond to something immediately if it's more than mundane stuff. I think it's more my nature to give something a little thought before responding especially with her as what I say "may be recorded for quality training and review purposes" LOL. Mentally of course.

It's fun to have a mixed style and one that's flexible!