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RE: Improved Indulgence Incidence

in The Man Cave2 months ago

Yeah there are a LOT of rhythms besides the circadian one that are negatively impacted by the blue light! The circadian one is important but gets all the attention.

I've been listening to a great podcast "Undoctrinate Yourself" and she goes really deep into this stuff. I recommend it since you are aware of the blue light stuff!

The food cravings are certainly ones I've been working on for a long time and thankfully have a little bit better control now, but still have a way to go.

Hope you are well my friend, and the kiddos!


Thanks! That sounds interesting, I’ll check it out.

My family is in a good place. Still hoping my wife will get more energy. It is slowly improving.

My son is now 4 and going to school, which is so fun to see. It has significantly increased his learning curve.

How is your family?