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RE: Improved Indulgence Incidence

in The Man Cave4 months ago

The blue light from our devices is really bad at night. Many downsides.

The day-night rythm of your body, sarcadian rythm of in correct, is really disturbed by it as well.

And food cravings come from your body not going into time to sleep mode from the blue light.

So, really good to hear that you’ve improved your health and are reading more. Books are still some of the best ways to learn about something.


Yeah there are a LOT of rhythms besides the circadian one that are negatively impacted by the blue light! The circadian one is important but gets all the attention.

I've been listening to a great podcast "Undoctrinate Yourself" and she goes really deep into this stuff. I recommend it since you are aware of the blue light stuff!

The food cravings are certainly ones I've been working on for a long time and thankfully have a little bit better control now, but still have a way to go.

Hope you are well my friend, and the kiddos!

Thanks! That sounds interesting, I’ll check it out.

My family is in a good place. Still hoping my wife will get more energy. It is slowly improving.

My son is now 4 and going to school, which is so fun to see. It has significantly increased his learning curve.

How is your family?