So your culture it seems is quite different from mine then - which is understandable, I learn new things differently each day!
Alright, to answer your answers lol
So if a woman is screaming rape in the streets and pointing at me I better have the evidence to back it up! (my innocence) Or I'm going straight to jail. I worry for my son, not that he's going to go out raping people, but the guilty before innocent and the stress he will have to go through.
I do believe that the large portion of women are good, though, and it's only a few outliers that have created this distrust amongst men, which sucks, but as I was told in training -- If it can happen, no matter how low the chance is, if you haven't protected yourself, you bet it will happen to you.
You've got this wrong about men. The in-built mechanisms within us make us want to protect women are strong. Don't believe me? Do a poll. It's biological. I'm married, and if there's a woman on the street crying, you bet I'm stopping to see if everything's ok. No other intention there whatsoever.
I hate to say it but I'm walking straight past a man I don't know. He can sort his own shit out
The video you shared was spot on. I couldn't agree with this more. Connection is what it's all about (Maslows Hierarchy of Needs)
As for distress, again, if I break down people will ignore me like I said above! I promise I'll be laughed at - multiple social experiments have been done on this just do a google search.
Alas, again, it could be a culture thing.
Fun fact I learned (which you probably know) women were diagnosed with hysteria, and the treatment was a "vibrator" -- you can't make this shit up! lol
Also, another fun fact is that up until modern times, if a man was caught getting beat up by his wife he'd be tied to the town square and whipped for being weak.
Crazy, huh?
There is no motivation, and also I didn't even know that I was abused until I was mid-30's and talked to someone about it in passing. The work I did on myself was previously and all to do with connecting positively with a partner and to stop using sex and masturbation as a way to alleviate stress. I hold no ill will to the young girl because god knows what was going on in her home to be thinking that it's okay to do that with me.
The reason I was repetitive is that I think those reasons needed a separate issue on their own
Teacher wasn't an idiot as I was 28 at the time and doing an on-the-job training course. She taught me a valuable lesson, and made me realise that women weren't the innocent delicate creatures that society will have us believe. 15 years later I still remember this lesson! lol. Don't get me wrong, like men, I think the overwhelming population of women want to do good. It's just that small minority.
Again, I'm not a real believer in social construction. There's too much biology at play. The way we were built plays a heavy part in the way that we act and it plays out in wider society. If you site social construction then you at least have to account for the biological aspects that we are slaves to.
Okay, so I'll admit, I am enjoying this. You don't sound crazy, or over emotional.
But I still don't see it as a fight. I'd rather work with, than tear down.
My thoughts are there needs more people acting like families again, and there needs to be a strong "community leader" presence nearby. People have no direction anymore, no solidity -- no-one helps anyone anymore.
I used to get the old man across the street's shopping when I was a kid because he couldn't do it himself. That's not a thing anymore.
More fathers and mothers in the community, helping out, teaching kids, then we'd probably see some good stuff happen again.
Anyway, I digress.
Oh, digress away. I couldn't agree more!
Humanity has lost... well... it's humanity.
We're more akin to a hungry pack of wild dogs at this point. I'd say wolves, but wolves are loyal, so...
What country are you in? It sounds so foreign to anything I've heard of.
Perhaps I'll suggest my daughter emigrate to your place.
As things stand, it's honestly dangerous to be a woman in my country. Genuinly