I am so embarrassed. I called you Steve....
I'm a bit of a words girl, rather than numbers, letting things happen organically, although my pal, @nickyhavey disapproves and would prefer I had a spreadsheet.... I might just when things get really serious. FTM, I think I'll just...feel my way...as John Travolta said...(I think) 🙃
Yes, Fiona, well of course ...
... this did not escape my notice. But, no point in drawing your attention to it, as no harm done! 🙂 My name has never been put into any content on this blockchain, so one name is as good as another ... 😉
IMHO, we should all be free to proceed as seems best to us. Each doing what they do best will hopefully produce the greatest overall benefit - an increase in value of our HIVE tokens! 👍
Well, in 3D life, I'm also known as Gladys...and... lol
I could not agree more. See you around the hive 😀
Yes I can vouch for the "words" part 😜
Ahem....thank you. I think. 🤣