I started my small business - handmade jewellery

in Sketchbook5 months ago (edited)

Handmade Goldfish

Is anyone here interested in my handmade jewellery?

Hello Hive! This is my first post here, and I’d love to introduce myself. My name’s Chun, I’m originally from Hong Kong and moved to the UK in 2013. I worked as a designer back home, but it’s been tough to find similar jobs here, which has made me feel pretty down 😣

And then I started thinking what are my strengths. I’m good at drawing. I can make jewellery. So I turned that passion into a small business making handmade shrink plastic jewellery. Right now, I’m also working part-time in a sushi bar kitchen, which can be exhausting and only pays minimum wage. The first couple of weeks were tough on my legs from standing for long hours… My goal is to turn my small business into a full-time career! 🔥🔥

Today, I want to share one of my proud creations: 🐟 goldfish earrings! Each one is unique and one of a kind. After spending many hours refining my design and testing with shrink plastic, I’m really proud of how they turned out. I hope you like them! Feel free to visit my Online Store.



Pequeños pescados 🐟

me encantan los peces pequeños :P

Hi @chunmadethem 好開心終於見到有在英港人到呢到!你做嘅做飾物好得意呀!係呢,有d奇怪,你點搵到呢到嘅?Hive 比較冷門,唔係咁多人知道

RC 100% 終於可以覆你lol.
多謝你欣賞我ge 手作呀!!我前排聽左個youtube interview 關於digital ownership,姐係我係IG build ge community 係唔屬於我,咁我就諗如果係Web3 應該可以做到呢樣野,然後google下就發現呢到啦@livinguktaiwan

Hi hi! 我 delegate 咗d RC 比你, 你可以係鏈上做多d transaction。

Web3 比web2 較複雜加上Hive可以monetise 嘅機會大很多,引喇好多第三世界搭順風車嘅人。Hive 上有唔少人對新帳戶都會有介心。如果你可以的話,最好可以喺你 IG 或官網加上你既Hive link ,有或者你send個email 比我[email protected] 我幫你verify 你個account ,可以免卻以後不必要嘅麻煩。

thank you so much!! 我仲未好仔細研究呢到ge玩法,RC可以用黎做transaction?
我send 左個email 俾你,你睇下收唔收到呀,感謝~

收到 thank you !

I have a post pinned on my blog about tips for newbies hopefully it will help you. Let me know if you have any further questions

Thank you so much!!!