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RE: I started my small business - handmade jewellery

in Sketchbook5 months ago

Hi hi! 我 delegate 咗d RC 比你, 你可以係鏈上做多d transaction。

Web3 比web2 較複雜加上Hive可以monetise 嘅機會大很多,引喇好多第三世界搭順風車嘅人。Hive 上有唔少人對新帳戶都會有介心。如果你可以的話,最好可以喺你 IG 或官網加上你既Hive link ,有或者你send個email 比我[email protected] 我幫你verify 你個account ,可以免卻以後不必要嘅麻煩。


thank you so much!! 我仲未好仔細研究呢到ge玩法,RC可以用黎做transaction?
我send 左個email 俾你,你睇下收唔收到呀,感謝~

收到 thank you !

I have a post pinned on my blog about tips for newbies hopefully it will help you. Let me know if you have any further questions

Thank you so much!!!