Only all night? That's one short and basic animation (unless you have a really powerful computer and expect things to be done in seconds XD). I've had a still render take all nigth and most of a day before (I probably could have sped it up with compositing and whatnot but I still haven't figured that one out yet as I haven't really needed to and I'm lazy).
yeah like a one second animation =) also I don't even try to use cycles. i just use eevee. I tried rendering the default cube with cycles and it said it was going to take like 15 minutes so I'll just be practicing for now. I'd love to get a real setup some day. with a touch screen interface to sculpt on and some serious graphics cards... but better that i spend a while learning first before making an investment like that.
Jeez you do run on a potato don't you XD While Blender on my laptop will crash if it decides it can't cope with something it is capable of rendering basic Cycles scenes (or at least it usually is, sometimes it will randomly crash because I switched to the Shader tab so I figure probably a good idea to only do modelling work on it XD)
If you're serious into digital art (even if it's seriously only a hobby) it's worth the investment as then you'll be able to actually do and push a lot of the stuff you learn/read about (especially with the 3d, it can get pretty intensive).
You've reminded me I actually need to probably start/continue (coz Iused to do it but then stopped because lazy/kept forgetting) to put the technical crap onto renders as it seems a lot of the newer Blender artists to haven't had 3d experience previously seem to have really unrealistic expectations of how fast things should be XD
I may have been exagerating a tad, it was the first draft of that donut without materials or anything that was going to take 15 minutes, but it was still pretty low poly compared to everything I've been making since. but yeah I'm pretty amazed at what I actually can do on this laptop considering. I got it new for like $250 a couple months ago so it's literally the cheapest computer on the market right now. I do run a really compact version of linux on it though and it has 128 gigs so enough space for what I'm doing atm, just no processing power. rendering my sculpts with eevee usually takes less than a minute atm.
What sort of technical stuff do you mean you were putting on renders?
Just stuff like basic computer specs, polycount, rendering engine and render time. If I remember I include other things like number of AA samples and types of lights and stuff. Too much beyond that and it starts being an essay XD
I see, yeah that would be interesting to know.
I did that for a handful of actual renders in the past as I keep encountering people who have unrealistic expectations of how fast things should render (some of them thinking it should be instant to 5min for everything regardless of complexity). In some cases times can be improved by compositing or reducing polycount or tweaking settings. Sometimes you just have to wait an hour or a night or several or ship it off to a render farm xD