Trippy Thursday - Tossing and Turning at Night

in Sketchbook2 years ago

Here are some stills from an animation I'm planning for this #trippythursday

The sleeper is trying to fall asleep but his thought wind around his head like a mesh keeping him awake.

Not getting enough sleep can make you a real basket case.

Perhaps an armored mindset and routine will keep the thoughts of the day out and finally let the him fall asleep. But now the future deadlines and unresolved thoughts about projects are trapped by the external armor and are bouncing around inside his head.

Perhaps a more open minded approach is necessary to let the ideas and energy leave the mind to finally get some sleep.

Instead the open minded approach let the collective consciousness in and now they are filling up a bunch of tiny divets. Sleep is impossible with this many ideas collecting on the brain.

Maybe thinking of mundane things like flower patterns will put this guy to bed finally. But now his allergies are acting up.

Perhaps a softer pillow made of microfibers would do the trick. But now microplastic particles are worrying him.

Finally a fortified shielding of shingles is allowing for some sleep between blinking.

Now the sleeper is actually falling asleep. Hard tiles are reflecting internal and external thoughts and ideas to let the brain sleep.

Sleeping like a brick finally.

Now the sleep is too fortified and the alarm clock can't even get through this armor.

More soon on this guy in a future music video.


He could be sleeping or could be rolling over in his grave!

I'll have to put some gravel textures on his face next.

nice picture display.

Thanks for looking :-)