Not quite sure how have you ended up in here after all these days, but I'm actually very glad!
I totally agree with your comment, that comparison wasn't maybe 100% on point, but I'm also happy you've recognized what I wanted to say.
"Especially if you want to become a UX designer, it means that you have to be open-minded and want to work with a lot of different kind of people!"
You're right here, that's the fact we have to accept, and in matter a fact it's fully positive thing. UX analysis always come up with many different opinions, which makes every project unique.
Cool to have you here Laura 💚
Haha you were on my recommended feed, I didn't check when it was posted, funny. Thank you for your benevolence answer 🎇
No problem dear, happy to have this communication, and I'm looking forward for many more.
Also, I'm proud to be your first follower! You're gonna rock here on Hive. 😄